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Resolution 6570
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6500 - 6599 May 11, 2015 - March 14, 2016
Resolution 6570
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/23/2015 10:08:10 AM
Creation date
12/23/2015 10:07:51 AM
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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. U i <br />WHEREAS, on November 23, 2015, the City Council reviewed the application <br />and the recommendations of the Planning Commission and City staff, and suggested revisions to <br />the plans, directing that a resolution be prepared for approval based on those suggested revisions; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Applicant has made said plan revisions resulting in the need for <br />the variances described above. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Orono, Minnesota <br />hereby approves the requested variances as described above based on one or more of the <br />following findings of fact concerning this property: <br />FINDINGS OF FACT: <br />Al. The analysis contained within staff memos and the exhibits attached to the aforesaid <br />memos, all minutes from the above mentioned meetings, and any and all other materials <br />distributed at these meetings are hereby incorporated by reference. <br />A2. The Property is located within the LR -1C Single Family Lakeshore Residential District <br />which requires a minimum lot area of 0.5 acre and a minimum lot width of 100'. Single <br />family residences are a permitted use in the LR -1 C District. <br />A3. The Property is 13,025 s.f. (0.30 acre) in area and 102 feet in defined width. <br />A4. The Property has been revised a number of times over the years. Originally the house <br />was contained on a single lot (the east 50 feet) and had an attached single garage. In <br />1985 that garage was converted to living space, leaving the property with no garage. The <br />prior owner then purchased the adjacent 50' lot, combined them, and in 1999 added the <br />existing two -stall attached garage. <br />A5. The Applicant is requesting approval to reconstruct this residence at its existing location, <br />plus adding a 5'x37' expansion area and deck on the lake side of the house. The new <br />home will be two levels as is the existing home, but with a higher roofline. Portions of <br />the existing house encroach the east side and front street setbacks, and the new home is <br />proposed to continue these encroachments. Relocating the new home to meet street and <br />side setbacks would result in greater encroachments of the 75' lakeshore setback and <br />average lakeshore setback. <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />
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