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Resolution 6410 - Expired, not recorded
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 6400 - 6499 May 12, 2014 - April 27, 2015
Resolution 6410 - Expired, not recorded
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3/4/2020 3:41:42 PM
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11/18/2015 10:05:05 AM
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Exhibit A <br /> 64 ! O <br /> DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY <br /> Parcel 1: <br /> Tract B, REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 522, Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br /> Parcel 2: <br /> Lots 2 and 8 <br /> • <br /> and <br /> That part of the abandoned County Road adjoining Lots 2 and 8, and that part of the abandoned <br /> undesignated street adjoining the Westerly line of Lot 2, all described as beginning at the most Northerly <br /> ,_,line �rr.._an <br /> corner of Lot 8; thence Westerly along the Northerly line of Lot 8 to the Easterly of Tract B, <br /> REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO, 522, Files of the Registrar of Titles,County of Hennepin; thence <br /> Northerly along the Easterly line of said Tract B to the Northeasterly corner of said Tract B;thence <br /> Southeasterly, deflecting to the right 120 degrees 17 minutes to the Westerly line of Lot 2,thence Southerly <br /> along said Westerly line to the most Southwesterly corner of Lot 2; thence Easterly along the Southerly line <br /> of Lot 2 to its intersection with the extension Northwesterly of the Northeasterly line of Lot 8;thence <br /> Southeasterly along said extension to the point of beginning. <br /> All in NORTH SHORE COTTAGE ACRES LAKE MINNETONKA. <br />
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