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O O <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> NO. <br /> A. The existing house and deck are located only a few feet from the <br /> lakeshore. Removal of the house and construction of a new house <br /> would leave a setback of an average of 30' to the house. Locating the <br /> house further from the street would not allow for an adequate setback <br /> to the street. 30' is the required setback to the street. The proposed <br /> setback is 20'. 20' allows space to back out of the garage into the <br /> driveway without backing a vehicle directly into the street, and would <br /> provide off street parking for the property. <br /> B. The lake and street setbacks would be consistent with those approved <br /> for the two adjacent properties. Both properties are located entirely <br /> within the 75' lakeshore setback. <br /> C. The hardcover variance is required as the entire lot is located within <br /> 75' of the lakeshore. The proposed hardcover would include up to <br /> 1,500 s.f. for the house. Additional hardcover would be required for <br /> the sidewalk connecting the driveway to the front entrance and the <br /> front steps. <br /> 4. The City Council finds that the conditions existing on this property are <br /> peculiar to it and do not apply generally to other property in this zoning <br /> district; that granting the variances would not adversely affect traffic <br /> conditions, light, air nor pose a fire hazard or other danger to neighboring <br /> property; would not merely serve as a convenience to the applicants, but is <br /> necessary to alleviate a demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to <br /> preserve a substantial property right of the applicants; and would be in <br /> keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan <br /> of the City. <br /> 5. The City Council has considered this application including the findings and <br /> recommendations of the Planning Commission, reports by City staff, comments <br /> by the applicants and the effect of the proposed variance on the health, safety <br /> and welfare of the community. <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />