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0 <br />Resolution No. 994 <br />Page 3 <br />10. The regulations of the DNR,_ LMCD and the City of <br />Orono regulate the property rights of the riparian owners both <br />as to -single family residential owners and the commercial marina <br />owners, to the extent prohibiting any interference with the public <br />waters adjoining that property. The LMCD, DNR and City of Orono <br />must fulfill their trusteeship over the public waters by protecting <br />against interference by anyone, including those who assert the <br />commonlaw rights of riparian owners; whether or not they be commercial <br />marinas or single family residential owners. <br />11. As to Lake Minnetonka, a mutual right of enjoyment <br />exists between and is shared by riparian owners and the public <br />generally.. The marinas have no exclusive privileges over Lake <br />Minnetonka. The only additional private right that the marina or <br />any riparian owner may have over the public generally is to construct <br />one dock to the navigable depth of the public waters. There can be <br />no dispute but that the public generally and each riparian owner to <br />Lake Minnetonka has the right to use the entire surface area of Lake <br />Minnetonka for all suitable purposes in common with all other riparian <br />owners. This right is a right not only to the members of the public <br />but the right to each riparian owner. This mutual right of enjoyment <br />which is shared by riparian owners and the public generally includes, <br />the recreational benefits of the.'lake such as boating and fishing <br />therein; the riparian marina has no exclusive privileges to these <br />rights. <br />12. As the population has increased around Lake Minnetonka, <br />and in the Main City Area generally, it is clear that more and more <br />people have used the lake for sailing, rowing, fishing, boating, bathing, <br />skating, and other public purposes which cannot be now fully enumerated <br />or even anticipated. <br />13. Lake Minnetonka is capable of, substantial beneficial <br />public use only as long as all riparian users of the lake are regulated <br />in such away as to insure there is no abuse of the limited riparian <br />rights. <br />14. The marina as a commercial riparian owner only has <br />limited riparian rights incident to the ownership of real estate <br />bordering upon Lake Minnetonka. The marina operator has a limited right <br />to build and maintain one suitable landing or dock, on and in front of <br />his land, and to extend the same therefrom into Lake Minnetonka to a <br />point of navigability; but, under no circumstances, may he encroach into <br />Lake Minnetonka to a point where he impairs the water's navigability <br />for other public purposes or where he unreasonably interferes with the <br />surface water rights of all riparians and members of the public generally. <br />