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Resolution 951
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 951
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Last modified
11/16/2015 10:56:20 AM
Creation date
11/16/2015 10:56:20 AM
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FLOWAGE AND CONSERVATION EASEMENT <br />AND WAIVER OF DAMAGES <br />�?Gsac 9S/ <br />TIIIS INDENTURE, mapand entered into this L% day of <br />�(-1 p -a_ , 197& by and between Oa7NNIS <br />4-141Z DA 914 F2. k7_0 M L IAJ <br />heirs, assigns, successors hereinafter collectively <br />referred to as the Grantor(s)) and the City of Orono, its suc— <br />cessors and assigns, a municipal corporation under the laws of <br />the State of l;innesota (hereinafter referred to as the Grantee) . <br />WITNESSETH, Grantor(s), for and in consideration of the <br />sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, <br />hereby covenant, grant, gift, quit claim and convey to Grantee <br />the right to restrict and Grantor(s) agree to limit and pre- <br />clude the use, improvement and development, under the 'condi- <br />tions and covenants herein contained, the following described <br />Land in the County of Hennepin and State of ISinnesota: <br />That part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Foxwood, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the North line of said Lot 1 distant 40 <br />feet'East from the Northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence West on saj <br />North line and the North line of said Lot 2 a distance of 220 feet; <br />thence deflecting left 146 degrees a distance of 50 feet; thence <br />deflecting left 17 degrees a distance of 115 feet; thence Northeaster <br />to the point of beginning. <br />
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