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Resolution No. <br />Page 4 <br />23. On February 22, 1977, McCleary revised the application <br />to a 40 X 80 building with inside storage for 108 boats <br />(66 slips + 108 boats = 174 units). <br />24. On March 17, 1977, the Council approved.the 40 X 80 <br />building conditioned on: 1) no change in the shoreline; <br />2) removal of all other existing buildings; 3) no permanent <br />exterior boat storage; 4) no conditional uses, and 5) no <br />variances permitted, proposal to be within the existing code. <br />25. On March 28, 1977, a demolition permit was issued for <br />removal of all fire damaged biiildings.and other accessory <br />buildings on the site. <br />26. Dry weather during the summer of 1977 severely limited <br />boating access to the marina. <br />27. McCleary applied for dredging permits from the Minnesota <br />Department of Natural Resources on July 18, 1977, from the <br />Minnehaha Creek Watershed District on August 5, 1977, and <br />from the City on August 8, 1977. <br />28. McCleary's 1977 marina license was issued on August 8, 1977. <br />for 63 slips per his 1977 application, provided the docks <br />met all City and LMCD performance standards. <br />29. On November 14, 1977, McCleary made an application for <br />a building permit to construct a 180 ft. X 80 ft. building, <br />larger than that permitted by the Council. <br />30. On November 14, 1977, McCleary also applied for state <br />and city liquor licenses and a tavern license for the <br />property, contrary to the Council's approval of the <br />building "with no conditional uses". <br />31. On December 21, 1977, Building Permit No. 3696 was <br />issued by the City staff, pursuant to the Couhcil approval <br />on March 17, 1977, according to plans by Lester Buildings' <br />for a 40 X 80 building. <br />32. The proposed building was never located on a Certificate <br />• of Survey. <br />