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0 <br />Resolution No. <br />Page 2 <br />3. McCleary became the license applicant in May of 1973 <br />and in August of 1973 he applied for 60 slips (a 93% <br />increase) and a permit to operate a restaurant on the <br />property. <br />4. McCleary's marina was licensed for 31 slips in 1973 <br />and 1974, but an inventory in July, 1974 discovered 65 <br />slips on the water (109% more boats than permitted). <br />5. The LMCD and subsequently the City licensed the <br />marina for 66 slips in 1975, 1976 and 1977. <br />6. McCleary made an application in 1975 (exact date <br />unknown) to operate a restaurant and tavern on the <br />property,.whichuse is not permitted by the zoning code. <br />7. During 1975 there were constant disputes over <br />unauthorized food service at the marina and complaints <br />regarding unsafe dock conditions. <br />• 8. McCleary's 1976 license application was for 66 slips <br />plus an additional 36 boats on land, an additional increase <br />of 55% over 1975, and a 229% increase in boat density since <br />his first involvement in 1973. <br />9. The LMCD and City licenses for 1976.rema.ined at 66 <br />slips, but McCleary also stored additional boats on the <br />County highway right of way and/or residential outlot <br />west of the marina property. <br />10. A conditional use permit was continued in 1976 for <br />limited soup and sandwich sales at the marina as a <br />legal non -conforming use. <br />.11. Additional complaints are recorded regarding unsafe <br />dock conditions in 1976. <br />12. On November 4 , 1976, McCleary applied for a building <br />permit to erect a new structure of unspecified size <br />but to include a restaurant. McCleary's description <br />accompanying this request includes a note that 84 boats <br />are on the property, 27% more than then licensed. <br />0 <br />