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Lot 4 Lynn L. Charlson <br />Lot 5 Lynn L. Charlson <br />Lot 6 Lynn L. Charlson <br />Lot 7 Glyde R. Scribner, John L. Peterson, Terrance D. Johnson, and <br />LAD Development Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, own that part <br />of Lot 7 formerly embraced by Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 207, <br />Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br />Lynn L. Charl°son owns that part of Lot 7 formerly embraced by <br />Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 207, Hennepin County, Minnesota. <br />Lot 8 Lynn L. Charlson <br />all in Block 1, Stielow's Addition. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideratirn of the receipt of One Dollar ($1.00) <br />• and the granting of the above private road easement for the benefited lots, the <br />above owners of each lot so described, their heirs, assigns and successors (herein- <br />after referred to as owners or owner) hereby covenant and agree as follows: <br />1) That the owners do hereby acknowledge the existence of said <br />private road easement and the existence of the private road, and that the City of <br />Orono has no obligation to maintain or service said private road, and that the <br />City or Orono does not intend to ever acquire or open said private road as a <br />public roadway. <br />2) That the owners will and do hereby assume and agree to pay a <br />proportionate share of the costs of maintaining, repairing and replacing, if <br />necessary, the private road over said easement described herein to at least a <br />standard of quality equal to the private road as it was approved by the City of <br />Orono as part of the subdivision of the adjoining land, and as may be required <br />from time to time by the ordinances of the City of Orono in regard to private <br />roads.. <br />Each Owner's share -of such costs shall be due and payable on the <br />date such costs for construction, maintenance or repair are due and payable to <br />the person or entity rendering an account therefor. Each Owner's share of such <br />costs shall bear interest at a rate of eight (8) percent per annum from such due <br />date to the date of payment. Any Owner may bring an action, on behalf of the <br />0 <br />