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EXHIBIT "A" <br />E'.11 trt.t Pa -rt of Loi 1, BIOCi: 1, SiI= L0:"ij LLv�'i IyZP.o ii�St =t1V <br />OF t`La follow; n-7 �� t.^lic at t:_ iit ^L <br />i_.o ds� sc rib d line: Co.,,... _ ^? :) t_ELeas L cer- <br />n2r oL said Lot i; -hence on an assumed beari-na OF t.`alth 89 (L vur=t s <br />=42 al:li2tE'S 15 SeCCO^_S i"�cjt , .?lO to i^C ..7rtR.Zrly lire OF ;;'LC-'_ Lot <br />1, Z d is Laace of 3-33.S7 ► ;.,. L, Ln=nce t.orLh 33 deo secs 54 cui nu t_s <br />L oCt= <br />14 Seconds E''�St, c lORo said 1P:. r ly line OF Lot Z, 3 d_S- <br />LCnce OF 39-90 feet; thence Nzorth. G9 deogren s 2" ,ainut-es 15 seconds <br />:"est, along Said iiJrth-zrly l i e O F Lot 1, a dis ta- ce Oi 207-28 <br />fz-=t to the poldlt 0- beoinnina OF the line to b_ described; t}' enc:' <br />SOIL; 3 degrees 41 m-Latut=S 22' secCRdS '.':est tO the share of Lake <br />='•tinnetor-ka, and there "et-:iza-ti ro_ <br />All. thi t part of LOt J, Black 1, ST! E GiiS 'Db TSG_`► lyingr- <br />t erlY- <br />Of -tie folloliing descr'ib-d lime: Eegin'ZI_rcc 2% 2 PaLnt- ir. the <br />Southerly lire of said Lot 3 their distant 368_3' feet Westerly <br />of the Southeast corer of said Tot. J; tire..^.ce. t4or'th 1-11groes <br />m ,notes OJ seconds -;est, 201'.12 Feet-, to the 21 -or herly _Hna.. Of said - <br />• Lot 3 or its extension and there to moat -Lag_ For'purposes o F thds <br />description, L. SeuL Lerly line of said Lo . .i is ass to besz- <br />Nortz 89 degrees 12 37 seconds r'sest_ <br />�l that part Of Lai. 4, Bloclk 1, S:TELO iS DDITTO 4,ltl7L•a ;'iestem- y <br />of the fo110: ung descr-i-bed line: Begin-ning at a poi?'tt in u e <br />No hrly. _ine cr said Lot 4 ta-.eriein dist---it 568-3-1 feet :,esu ply . <br />OF the lliOrtime2S t COLTcer of . Sz"? LOt - ; . theace South 26 C?crees 14 <br />di'_i'1tC5 10 sec0^d5 i.�311, 22Q_9'3 re$t, t0 tie SOt1z:L=rly liriQ Or Ss?a <br />Lct 27L:�t there tea— matLnj. For puarposes of this descrintic-, the: <br />artherly line Of sed Lot 4 is ass- ed tC+ 89 degrees 12, - <br />rainut_-s 37 Seco, dS hest_ _ <br />.41i that- part o: Lot 5, Block- 1, 5T1_,Z_L0;JS LDSTI06, lying; jwesterly - <br />Of the follotiirg described line: G,zolrn?n g 2t1- a point irn the <br />Scut`herly line or said Lat rJ' therein dis'''`—c 333_0•5 feet W_-5tarly <br />OF 'C.^_e South east co'_TCr Or said Lot S; tt'e? .^.e Nor-th '22 daa :2 47__ii:_.tes VL deco n-�= r3� `, a distance cE 115-72 Te'!L; t.t 2_^_c^= iiJrLu - <br />Lc d'-ac3-ees •`n t--Ir,ut's 1+8 i; -_St, a C' i St`•^_ce Of 13,5_03 iect <br />t1 <br />t line <br />t l <br />to t_�' 14orther!y in e of <br />s�'�_•-Ld -rot 5 --n Unzr� <br />puroose5 of this CCSc_ri�Lion, L!i.''. Scut erly lines OF said Lou 5 is <br />- f <br />ass1-',ed to bear ,.orth 33• decrees _1 minut-es 21 seconds i'_zs t- <br />.4: <br />