<br />1x////5/ 7 -
<br />THIS
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this <VL day of
<br />1978, by and between Lynn L. Charlson and Beryl W. Charlson,
<br />husband and wife, their heirs, assigns, successors (hereinafter collectively re-
<br />ferred to as the "Grantors"), and the City of Orono, a municipal corporation under
<br />the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter re-
<br />ferred to as.the "Grantee").
<br />• WITNESSETH, Grantors for -and in consideration of the sum of One
<br />Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration, hereby covenant, grant, gift,
<br />quit claim and convey to Grantee the right to restrict and Grantors agree to
<br />limit and preclude -the use, improvement and development, under the conditions
<br />and covenants herein contained, the following described Land in the County of
<br />Hennepin and State of Minnesota:
<br />as follows:
<br />See Exhibit A attached hereto for legal description.
<br />1) Grantors reserve for the benefit of the owners and occupants
<br />of Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1, Stielow's Addition, a 10 -foot wide walkway ease-
<br />ment to Lake Minnetonka over and across each of Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5, Block 1,
<br />Stielow's Addition, together with the right to maintain and repair said walkway
<br />tain, repair and use a single-family residential dock on each of Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5,
<br />Block 1, Stielow's Addition.
<br />2) Subject to the rights reserved in Paragraph 1 hereof, Grantors
<br />hereby covenant and agree:
<br />a) No structures shall be constructed, erected, or placed upon,
<br />above, or beneath the Land including without limitation, fences,
<br />fireplaces, steps, hard -cover or roads of any nature whatsoever or
<br />any other structure or improvement inconsistent with the natural
<br />state of the Land.
<br />easement.
<br />Grantors
<br />further reserve for
<br />the benefit
<br />of the owners
<br />and occupants
<br />of Lots 1,
<br />3, 4 and
<br />5, Block 1, Stielow's
<br />Addition,
<br />the right to
<br />construct, main-
<br />tain, repair and use a single-family residential dock on each of Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5,
<br />Block 1, Stielow's Addition.
<br />2) Subject to the rights reserved in Paragraph 1 hereof, Grantors
<br />hereby covenant and agree:
<br />a) No structures shall be constructed, erected, or placed upon,
<br />above, or beneath the Land including without limitation, fences,
<br />fireplaces, steps, hard -cover or roads of any nature whatsoever or
<br />any other structure or improvement inconsistent with the natural
<br />state of the Land.
<br />