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Resolution 938
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 938
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11/16/2015 10:49:21 AM
Creation date
11/16/2015 10:49:21 AM
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Resolution No. 938 <br />Rage 5 <br />20. The marinas have failed to show that their excessive <br />use of Lake Minnetonka is in any way reasonable. <br />21. When the rights of other riparian owners and the <br />rights of the public generally are contrasted with the marinas <br />commercial and excessive use of their limited riparian rights, in <br />order to maximize their economic return from harboring additional <br />boats both on and off the public waters of Lake Minnetonka, the <br />marians excessive use of the lake must be curtailed. <br />22. The above findings of fact relate not only to the <br />extension of docks and mooring areas into Lake Minnetonka but also <br />relate to the dredging of public waters which dredging has proven <br />time after time to be a detriment to the public, present or future <br />users of the public waters. <br />23. All of the commercial marinas are located adjacent <br />to properties which are residentially zoned and/or residentially <br />used or are in fact surrounded by residentially zoned and used <br />properties. <br />• 24. All of the commercial marinas began as and have <br />historically operated as -small fishing ports and bait shops serving <br />the general boating public with boat rental, fuel, bait and boat <br />servicing. <br />25. Over the'past fifteen years, the scope of commercial <br />marina operations has radically changed to the current emphasis upon <br />showroom sales of expensive watercraft and accessories and the <br />proliferation of slip and mooring rental for the exclusive storage <br />of watercraft on public -waters by a limited number of private <br />individuals. <br />26. Over the past fifteen years, the rental of boats to <br />the general public, the launching and servicing of•boats owned by <br />the general public and the sale of bait and fuel to the general <br />public have been reduced, eliminated or made difficult and expensive <br />to the point of discouraging access for the general public in favor <br />of the few boat purchasers and slip and mooring renters. <br />27. The new emphasis upon slip and mooring rental has been <br />accompanied by expansion of the number, size and extent of dock <br />facilities and off -shore buoys over and upon large areas of the public <br />• waters thereby creating a public.harm by excluding the.general boating <br />and public from those waters. <br />
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