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Resolution No, 929 <br />Page 6 <br />• <br />35. That any expansion of the McCleary Stubbs Bay Marina <br />Dock Use Area is an expansion of a non -conforming use of <br />riparian rights which would adversely affect the exercise <br />of the legally permitted reasonable residential riparian <br />rights of the adjacent properties. <br />36. That even if the rezoning were to be permitted, the <br />proper interpretation of the LMCD regulations would not <br />permit expansion of the McCleary Stubbs Bay Marina D.U.A. <br />beyond the existing D.U.A. , <br />37. That the ultimate issue at stake is the extent of <br />private rights to subdivide and mark off areas of the <br />public waters for private commercial gain and for the <br />benefit of a very limited number of non -riparian boat owners. <br />38. That the immediate issue at stake is the number of boats <br />which are to be stored at commercial docks on and within the <br />public waters. <br />• 39. That there is no vested rights to store any given number <br />of boats in and on the public waters. <br />40, That Minnesota courts have established in Petraborg V. <br />Zontelli, 217 Minn. 536, 547, 15 N.W. 2d 174, 180 (1944) <br />that " as to a public lake, a mutual right of enjoyment is <br />shared by riparian owners and the public generally. Insofar <br />as such recreational benefits as'boating, hunting, and <br />fishing therein, the riparian proprietor has no exclusive <br />privileges". <br />41. That the regulations of the City of Orono, the LMCD and <br />the DNR are reasonable allowances for commercial activities. <br />and access to Lake Minnetonka. <br />42. That other alternatives exist to provide commercial access <br />to Lake Minnetonka including storage of boats on land. <br />43, That any dock construction and/or storage of boats in <br />and on the public waters infringes on the rights of the public <br />to use the public waters. <br />44. That due to an act of God, the on -land facilities of <br />• McCleary's Stubbs Bay Marina were destroyed by fire in January, <br />1976, and despite permits issued by the City, those facilities <br />have not been replaced to this day, <br />