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Resolution 929
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 0900 - 0999 (April 13, 1978 - February 27, 1979)
Resolution 929
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/16/2015 10:45:34 AM
Creation date
11/16/2015 10:38:11 AM
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Resolution No. 929 <br />0age 2 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the <br />City of Orono hereby makes the following findings of fact: <br />1. That McCleary owns three parcels of property in the <br />B-2 use district (block 7, Bayside Addition to Lake <br />Minnetonka; and lots 21 and part of lot 22, Aud. Sub. 203) <br />which property is occupied by a commercial marina business <br />known as Stubbs Bay Marina. <br />2. That the only reason the McCleary property was zoned <br />B-2 is that a small bait shop and fishing boat rental <br />business had operated on this site since the 1960's. <br />3. That all the surrounding property is zoned LR-lA, <br />Lakeshore Residential, or RR-lA or RR -1B, Rural Residential, <br />and all the surrounding property is occupied as single <br />family residential property with no commercial use within <br />two miles of this property. <br />4. That McCleary also owns property in the LR-lA use district <br />• (lot 23, Aud. Sub. 203) which property is occupied by a <br />residence and which residence uses a private dock on a parcel <br />of,property known as "part of lot 22, Aud. Sub. 203", which <br />parcel is separate from that parcel used for commercial purposes. <br />5. That the commercial property use is therefore inconsistent <br />with the surrounding residential land use. <br />6. That, effective January 1, 1975,when the current Orono <br />Zoning Code was adopted, this property could have been zoned <br />LR-lA with the existing marina being declared a non -conforming <br />use of property and that such a des ignatlon_.would have been <br />consistent with the surrounding land uses, consistent with <br />standard planning.practices and consistent with similar zoning <br />designations in other areas of the City. <br />7. That the historic use of the marina property was for bait <br />sales and fishing boat rental and that as an adjunct. to that <br />` use, certain temporary wooden docks were erected in the public <br />waters of Stubbs Bay, Lake Minnetonka, which docks were used <br />to service the fishing boats and fishermen utilizing the <br />services offered by the marina. <br />
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