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(RESOLUTION NO.,.52, Continued) ; TO <br />(5) It is hereby found., determined and de.:clar.ed that it is <br /> and expedient for the. Village, to borrow money., <br />rand issue :its general "obligation,, negotiable coupon temporary. <br />improvement `bonds in the amounts' of $2.00,..000; and 'that this Council <br />shall., at the time. and place specified in the form of notice <br />'hereinafter -contained..for. the_. purpose of. receiving and considering <br />sealed :bids for..and awarding, the sale of said_ b-onds., and. that the <br />Clerk :is,_he.r-e_by authorized and directed to caus-e notice of,said <br />me:eting.. to ,in the official newspaper and in Commercial <br />West, pub <br />lished'in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at least'once not later <br />x: than 10 -days prior to the date of..said meeting, which notice shall <br />be in -substantially the' following form:. <br />NOTICE OF BOND. SALE` <br />$200,000 TEMPORARY SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS <br />VILLAGE OF ORONO, MINNESOTA <br />:NOTICE „IS HEREBY GIVEN That the village C.ounc1l of the Village of <br />"Orono- Minnesota.,'willdeet at the Village Ha11in said .Village on <br />Monday; .June' 29 f 1964,, at.* 6:OQ •o' clock P.M., CDST., to .receive sealed <br />;bids for and award the sale .of $200,000 Temporary Sanitary Sewer <br />mprofrement . Bonds of the.. Village . ,4 ; Said bonds will • be. general obli- <br />fatibn:i' .negotiable .coupon bonds in" :d.enominations . of $5000 each <br />or..,`_at the request of the successful bidder, within 48 hours,, in <br />denominations: of,$1,000-each), shall be dated August 1, 1964, and <br />shall"b.ear interest at the rate'designate.d by the successful -.bidder, <br />in integral multiples of .1/4 or 1/10 of 1% per annum, _,payable on <br />c February' 1,; 1965, and semiannually thereafter on August„.l and a <br />February I .of each year. Said bonds shall all' -mature', on. August `l, <br />:1966, :a11- being subject to redemption and prior payment at the option. <br />of the Village on any- interest payment date at par and accrued interest.. <br />Principal and-i-nterest payable at any suitable:.banking <br />institution designated by the`.succes.sful bidder., and the --Village will <br />.'pay the customary and reasonable charges of the paying agent,. The, <br />Village will, furnish, within forty days after '.award., , the printed, and <br />executed bonds. and, the approvindi legal opinion. of Messrs. Dorsey, <br />Owen, Marquart,'Windhorst &West, of Minneapolis, Minnesota.. The <br />bonds will be delivered. anywhere in Minnesolta without cost to: the <br />purchaser:; delive�y'.els.ewhere will be at the purchaser's expense,. <br />ty - <br />Seal.e.d bids :,marked ', Bid for. $.2.00.,000 Temporary Sanitary Sewer..Improve- <br />:ment Bonds”. must be...receive.d by the undersigned- Clerk prior to 'the <br />,time of sale or .,by the undersigned Fiscal .Agent pri•or to 4:00: o' clock <br />P.X. the date' of the .sale. Each bid must be. unconditional except as <br />to legality, which may be -conditioned upon the above-described legal <br />opinion which.°will;•.be printed on the. bonds.' Each bid .must be accom- <br />,:parried by ra" cashier's or certified check or bank draft in the amount <br />of $4,0.00; -.-;payable to the -Village, Treasurer,' to be forfeited as s =" <br />liquidated- damages , if the bid is' accepted ,.and the bidder fails to <br />comply therewith`.'', No split rate bids will be accepted and bids shall -.not provide for <br />supplemental nBn :coupons. <br />Bids will be preferred according to the slowest net interest :cost,, <br />.deducting any premium offered. No bid A leg's than par and accrued <br />y interest`;f,or the issue from :date of -the bonds to date . of delivery will <br />