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77 <br />2 a.. <br />Interest shall be payable each April 1 and October lcommencing <br />_on April 1,1964. Interest at the basic rate applicable to each <br />bond,from date of issue to maturity,shall be represented by ap- <br />pro :priate interest coupons appurtenant-to•such-bond,and-.each and <br />all of the bonds shall bear additional interest.,represented by <br />separate-coupons"designated as "B" coupons,at the-rate of i,.50% <br />per annum for the limited period from December 16,1963 to Octo- <br />ber 1,1964. The bonds maturing-in the years 196.5`through:1971 <br />shall not be subject to redemption azxxgmxxt before maturity;, <br />but those maturing in'the years•1972 through 1979-shall be each <br />subject to redemption and prepayment at the option,•--of . the Visage <br />on October 1 1971, and any interest payment date•:thereafter., at a .w <br />price `of 101j and accrued interest. Not aessi'than thirty ,days* be- <br />fore the date specified - for _prepayment and redempti:ons of any::of ; <br />said bonds, the Village Treasurer shall mail notice of the`call <br />` thereof to the holder,if .known,and to the bank at which'.principal, <br />and interest are then•payable,and the' directed to j' <br />maintain a record of the names and addresses-of holders of pre <br />j payable bonds for 'the purpose ' of mailing-'such notices,,aso', f 6rcll as <br />such information is made available to him. ;The prncipal;;of`.and ; <br />-interest on said bonds shall be• payable at the main .office of 'The; <br />American: National-_Bank' of .Saint Paul• in. St Paul:,Minnesota', and the ` <br />Village hereby agrees to"pay the reasonable and customary charges' <br />• of., succi:_ paying agent for the receipt. and disbursement thereof.. <br /><. 3. The bonds shall •be, prepared for execution .forthwith., <br />executed and' delivered to said purchasers in t`he manner, and sub m; <br />s't6alally in the form set forth in said Ordinance"N:o..56; upon , <br />°payment by' the purchaser of par,plus accrued interest plus <br />premium of $ -0-, as ,provided in the contract ,,of 'sale.: above .;•.des <br />cribed, and the proceeds thereof shall be' cr.e`dited by;y the* Tress f <br />: urer to the Fund of 1963 Sanitary `Sewer. 'Impr.ov'ement, and used <br />solely to pay the costs of said 'improvement • and for ". the ;:other <br />purposesspecified in said ordinance., pro7. ided .that 3' 41:;.805 ' ,;`� <br />1 said proceeds will be needed for the paymen`t..of intertest to, "accrue <br />•on the bonds during ,the construction of the improvement and sha17.' <br />be held therein and used -only. for such .pur.pose,... -_ <br />.. .. �.� <br />4. In accordance with.`said ordinance, `it is hereby; esti <br />1 .mated that approximately. $ 429'9223 :principal .amount of the spye"cial <br />assessments to be levied upon properties `.within Ythe area assess <br />able for said improvement.,; heretofore. established.:by the tresolu <br />tions .ordering ,the._same;wll beavailable• for credit ,' .o <br />,. <br />Improvement Bond 'Redemption."Fund after the cost 'of ,'the improvement` <br />r . is paid in full; ,which assessments will`-`be payable- in 15 ;:;equal laannual <br />., .. <br />installments, to -be spread upon` the' tag -rolls ofthe Village in <br />consecutive" years commencing interest at tY e` rate of,, <br />< 6.% per annumall <br />. To the first instment shall"'be added interest o _ <br />" the_.;•entire assessment .on ,each property, _.from thea`date..; of, adopt.ona; <br />thereof until December 31 of the year in which the first install <br />ment is payable 'and to each subsequent installment shall be. addgd , <br />'s es en <br />smtr. <br />interest for one year on the then unpaid balance of the as <br />There .is _also hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the <br />Villag6 ,a direct annual ad'-valorem tax Which shall -be "_spread .,uponl <br />'tha tax rolls' for_=the years and in the •amounts -as follows,,an.d-shall µ <br />be "collected with and as ,a part, of: other general taxes within. the <br />• 'Village `in the respective ensuing ,y ars : r F <br />