m6iting.to ba. published in the Commercial West,at.Minneapo s
<br />y n :ea.ota,' not ..less:.., than: ten. days. before the .date .of sail: me.el-.
<br />:ing.- which- notice shall be .in substantially the following form: -
<br />'OF 1963
<br />NOTICE --,IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Village Council of. the Vill
<br />age of Orono,Hennepin CountyMinn.esota,will meet at the Village
<br />Haul in'.aaid .Village on Wednesday,S.eptember 491963. aifi . 6:00 o'clock
<br />P M,.',Central,Standard.Time to-open,receive,and consider sealed bids.
<br />for and award the sale of 750;:000 negotiable coupoii general obli-
<br />gation 'Sewer, Improvement Bonds of 1963 of.said,.Village., to be is-
<br />sued under:authority.of Chapter 429,Minnesota Statutes 1961, for
<br />y the purpose. of. financing the -cost -of constructing a.,;sewer improve—
<br />in the Village. Said bonds will be dated October°1,1963:in,the de-
<br />i nomination of $1,000 or $5-,0009whichever the successful bidder may
<br />r- 2designate1will bear interest at a rate or rates to be ,designated.
<br />by the `sudcessful bidder expressed in integral multiples,.�Of 4 or
<br />1/'10 of l0 per annum, payable on April 1,1964, and semiannually
<br />thereafter. 'on October" 1 and April • 1 of each year; an&_ said bonds
<br />will mature. serially. on October lin the years and amo ants as
<br />follows e
<br />Year Amount Year Am=
<br />196.5 $ 40,000 1973 $ 50;000
<br />19664.0.;000 1974 55;000
<br />1967 40;000 1975 55000
<br />1968 45 ; 000 1976 5.5; 000
<br />-1969 459000 1977 6:0,000
<br />1970 459000 1978 60;.000
<br />a 1971 50,000 1979 �U t 000
<br />.1972 509000
<br />Bonds ;of ..said issue, having stated `maturity dates later than. October
<br />.1,1971 will,.be each subject to call for -redemption on said date :or
<br />ans 'subsequent interest payment: datt at a price of 101+9at the .
<br />option of the Village, Principal. and -interest will be.made payable
<br />at any..suitable national or state bank in the United States desig-
<br />nated by the successful bidd.er within 48 hours after award of sale.
<br />-The Village will furnish,without cost to bhe purchaser.and within'
<br />40_d4ye after award of sale,the printed and executed -bonds and the
<br />unqualified -.,approving'legal opinion of Mebsrs.Dorsey, Owen,Marquart
<br />&'West, .of Minneapolis ,Minnesota, together with the clistomary cert -
<br />fi aat.e as to absence .of litigation. Delivery will be made without
<br />cost to the purchaser anywhere in the United States.
<br />Sealed:bids 'marked "Bid for $750,000 Bonds 11 may be mailed or
<br />delivered to the undersigned and must be .received prior to the
<br />'time sof ,said meeting. Oral auction, bids, will nest be considered.
<br />Each bid:must be -unconditional except as".to to legality, in which
<br />,respect bids may be conditioned upon the opinion ,of the "above
<br />att.orneys.,,and must be accompanied by a. casher'-s or certified
<br />check or bank draft . n the amount -of. $15-,000,Payable -to the Vill—
<br />age .Treasurex,to.be retained by.the'Village as liquidated damages
<br />