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Resolution No. 1022 � <br /> • Page 2 „ <br /> 3. That the operation of the Navarre Drive-In in the past <br /> has resulted in excessive demand for and use of the police <br /> officers of the City of Orono, all to the detriment of <br /> other citizens of Orono who rely upon those policemen to <br /> provide protection in other areas of the City. <br /> 4. That the operation of the Navarre Drive-In in the past <br /> has resulted in excessive danger to the police officers <br /> of the City of Orono and of other cities who have responded <br /> to the problems on the premises, the patrons on the premises • <br /> and the citizens of Orono in the area, <br /> 5. The continued operation of the Navarre Drive-In without <br /> additional restrictions is adverse to the health, safety <br /> . and �welfare of the citizens of Orono and will constitute <br /> ' • a public nuisance. <br /> 6. . In prior years there has been no adequate cont rol of <br /> the ingress and egress of the Navarre Drive-In. <br /> • 7. In prior years there were numerous juveniles on the <br /> �premises who were drinking and who were present after curfew, <br /> all in violation of Chapter 61 of the Municipal Code. <br /> 8. In prior years there has been excessive and illegal parking <br /> - on the street surrounding the Navarre Drive-In by patrons of <br /> " _the Navarre Drive-In who trespass upon private and public <br /> property in order to sneak into the Navarre Drive-In without <br /> _ paying therefor, The illegal parking by the patrons has <br /> . • resulted in excessive noise and disturbance late at night <br /> in a quiet residential neighborhood and_the littering _of the <br /> residential neighborhood by patrons of the Navarre Drive-In. <br /> 9. In prior years there has been illegal consumption of <br /> alcohol on the premises by adults and minors. <br /> • 10. In prior years there has been unwarranted trespassing <br /> upon the private and public property in the area caused by <br /> • the patrons of the Navarre Drive-In. <br /> 11.� In prior years there has been a lack of control of the <br /> • patrons by Licensee on the premises. <br />