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Resolution 5249
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5200 - 5299 (June 28, 2004 - April 11, 2005)
Resolution 5249
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11/9/2015 2:27:39 PM
Creation date
11/9/2015 2:27:39 PM
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, , <br /> :� <br /> � . <br /> • C.�'-1'i�3 I '�" � <br /> 5 � � �. � <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> That part of Lot 1, Fagemess including accretions thereto and that part of Lot 26,Fagerness including <br /> accretions thereto all described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the most Southerly corner of Lot 2, Fagemess; thence Southeasterly 50 feet along the <br /> extension of the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2, thence deflecting to the right 65 degrees 46 minutes a <br /> distance of 77.66 feet to the actual point of beginning; said last described line hereinafter to be refeired to as <br /> Line "A"; thence deflectin�to the Ieft 90 degrees to the shore of Lake Minnetonka; thence Northerly along <br /> said shore to its intersection with the Southeasterly eYtension of the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2; thence <br /> �::Northwesterly along said extension and alon� said Southwesterly line to a point thereon distant 65 feet <br /> Northwesterly from the most Southerly corner of said Lot 2; thence Westerly deflecting to the left 24 degrees <br /> �::`to the shore of Lake Minnetonka; thence Southerly along said shore to its intersection with a line drawn <br /> '�`Westerly at a right angle to said luze "A" from the actual point of beginning; thence East to the actual point of <br /> �eg��g <br /> ��Subject to an easement for ingress and egress for the belzefit of the owner of that part of Lots 1 and 26 which <br /> 'adjoin above land on the South over that portion of above land described as follows: <br /> ,, <br /> That part of Lot 1 inchiding accretions thereto, Fagerness described as commencing at the most Southerly <br /> comer of Lot 2, Fagemess; thezce Southeasterly along the extension of the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2, a <br /> distance of 50 feet to the acri.ial point of beginning; thence Southerly deflecting to fhe right 65 degrees 46 <br /> minutes, a distance of 77.66 feet; thence deflecting to the left 90 degrees to the shore of Lake Minnetonka; <br /> thence Northerly along said shore to its intersection with the Southeasterly exferision of the Southwesterly line <br /> of said Lot 2; thence Northwesterly to the aetl.lal p�int of beginning; <br /> Subject to govemmental and sovereign rights of the State of Miruiesota in that part of said land lying between <br /> the ordinary high water mark and the ordiriary lovv water mark of said Lake Minnetonka; <br /> Together with an easement for ingress and egress across the following described tract of land; <br /> �,That part of Under the Linden Avenue vacated including accretions thereto described as beginning at the most <br /> Easterly comer of Lot 2,Fagemess; thence Southerly to a point in the extension of the Southwesterly line of <br /> said Lot 2, distant 50 feet Southeasterly from the most Southerly corner of said Lot 2; thence Southeasterly <br /> � along said extension a distance of 15 feet; thence Northerly to a point in the Southeasterly extension of the <br /> Northeasterly line of said Lot 2 distant 15 feet Southeasterly from point of beginning; thence Northwesterly <br /> •to said point of beginnin� as shown in deed Document No. 772606; Hennepin Coun.ty, Minnesota. <br /> i <br /> } . <br /> , <br />
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