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� • EXHIBIT A <br /> . � � � g <br /> i <br /> • <br /> LEGAL OESCRIP1lON: <br /> Parcel 1: <br /> That part of Government Lofs 4 and 5, Section 9, Tov+nship 117, Rcnge 23, described as commencing al lhe North <br /> Quarter corner of soid 5ection; thence on a bearing of South (the north line of the Nor:heast Ouarter of said 5ection <br /> being assumed to have o bearing af North 88 de9rees 51 minutes West for the purpases oF this descripEion) a <br /> distonce of 2878.55 feet; thence ScvEh 70 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds Eost o disFonce of 838.42 feel; the�ce <br /> 5outh 67 degrees 19 minutes 23 seconds East a distance of 266.25 feet; Ehence South 59 degrees OS minules 30 <br /> seconds Eost o disfance of 300.00 feet to the point of bsginnfng of the property being described; thence continuing <br /> South 59 degrees OS minutes 30 sc�conds East a distcnce of 159.15 feet; thence 5outh 26 degrees 36 minutes West <br /> to the shore of Lake Minnetonka; tFience Northwesterly along said shore to its intersection with a line drawn South 3� <br /> degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence North 32 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds <br /> East to the poinE of beginning, according to the Government survey thereof, and <br /> Parcel 2: <br /> That port of Government Lot 4, Section 9, Township 1:7, Ronge 23, described as follows: Commencing of the North <br /> Ouarter comer of said Section; ther:ce an a bearing cf 5outh (the north line of the Northeast Ouorter oF soid 5ection <br /> being ossumed to have o beoring o; North 88 degrees 51 minutes West For the purposes of this description) o <br /> distance of 2878.55 feet; thence South 70 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds East a disFance oF 838.42 feet; thence <br /> Saufh 67 degrees 19 minutes 23 seconds East a dista�ce af 266.25 feet to "Poin1 A', soid "Point A" bei�g the point <br /> oF beginning oF the property being clescribed, and also the point of beginning af "line A"; fhence South 32 deg�ees 16 <br /> minutes 30 seconds 4Yest along "line A" to a polnt on the shore af Lake Minnetonka, and said "Line A" there ending; <br /> Fhence 5outheosterly along soid shore to a point 300.00 Feet southeasterly from said "line A", said 300.00 feet being <br /> measured on a beartng of South 59 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds Eost from said "line A'; thence North 32 <br /> degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East a dlstance of 370 feet to an interseclion with a line drown South 59 degrees QS <br /> minutes 30 seconds East from sold "Point A"; thence Narth 59 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds Wesl to soid "PoinF <br /> A" at the palnt of beginn(ng. EXCEPT that port of soid obove described property lying northwesteriy of the following <br /> described line: Commencing at safd ��Point A"; thence Sauth 59 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of <br /> 246.74 feet to the poinF ef beginning of the line being described: thence 5outh 34 degrees 54 minufes 30 seconds <br /> West to the shore of Lcke Minnetonka and there ending. . <br /> • <br /> • <br />