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Ci FY OF (J-RClil-113 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 6537 <br />and intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan of the City. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />Based on the above findings, City Council of Orono, Minnesota hereby grants the following: <br />1. Variances from Orono City Code Section 78-350 to permit construction of an attached <br />garage 2 feet from the side property line; and a 2 %2 story addition over a portion of the <br />existing home and garage addition as close as 2 feet from the north side property line <br />and within 3 feet of the south side property line where 10 foot setbacks are required; <br />2. A variance from Orono City Code Section 78-1279 to permit construction of a 2 Y2 story <br />addition over a portion of the existing home with garage addition as close as 35 feet <br />from the ordinary high water level (OHWL) of the lake where a 75 foot setback is <br />required; <br />3. A variance from Orono City Code Section 78-1279 to permit construction of a 2 % story <br />addition over a portion of the existing home up to 5 feet lakeward of the average <br />lakeshore setback line; <br />4. A variance from Orono City Code Section 78-1403 to permit construction on attached <br />garage addition resulting in 1,772 square feet of structure where 1,781 square feet <br />currently exist and 1,500 is the maximum permitted; and <br />5. A variance from Orono City Code Sections 78-1680 and 78-1700 to permit 56% <br />hardcover on the Property where 25% is the maximum allowed and 54% currently <br />exists in conjunction with the proposed addition; <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the survey and building plans submitted by the Applicants <br />and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibits B $ C. Any <br />amendments to these plans may require further Planning Commission and City Council <br />review. <br />2. Hardcover shall not increase above 56%, as 25% is permitted in Tier 1. Any changes <br />to the plans or the Property which result in an increase in hardcover above the existing <br />or allowed levels are not approved as part of this variance request. <br />3. Structural coverage shall not increase above 1,772 square feet. Any changes to the <br />plans or the Property which result in an increase in structural coverage above the <br />approved level is not approved as part of this variance request. <br />4. The top floor of the proposed home shall comply with the City's definition of "half <br />story"; no height or number of stories variances are being granted as part of this <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />