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c. Applicant does not use the ramps to launch boats <br />• owned by the public for the day from trailers. <br />20% of the total of the above parking spaces remain as a functional parking area. <br />The 20% reserved for winter parking are designated on the site plan. The designated <br />car and boat parking areas may be used for parking and for storage of boats or cars. <br />I%hereas the applicant's business has not created traffic problems in the past due <br />to the nature of his business and as long as the applicant does not change his mode <br />of operation to cause an increase in the traffic, the City grants a variance to the <br />applicant for the number of required parking spaces by requiring only: <br />From June 1 to August 31 - 60 spaces <br />From September 1 to May 31 - 30 spaces <br />No parking of business invitees shall be allowed outside of the premises. <br />3. Landscape Plan. <br />The operator shall landscape the required yards and landscaping areas on <br />the premises pursuant to the following provisions. The location, size and type of <br />each tree and shrub and the boundary lines for each yard area and landscaping area <br />are designated on Exhibit A. <br />a. Yard Areas. The minimum yard areas for the premises shall be land- <br />scaped and planted with evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees in accordance with <br />Exhibit A. <br />• b. Landscaping Areas. The minimum landscaping areas for the premises <br />shall be landscaped and planted with evergreen and deciduous shrubs and trees in <br />accordance with the landscape plan. <br />4. Fencing - Not Applicable. -- <br />5. Completion of Planting and Landscaping. All planting and landscaping <br />to be doneunder this resolution shall be fully completed on.or before'July.1,­1978. = <br />_- Trees` -and_ shrubs shall be maintained in a healthy._ condition__and-shall be.accepted by,-- <br />the city as having met the requirements of this resolution only after one summer <br />season as live and healthy plants. Thereafter, in addition to any other required <br />planting and landscaping in this or subsequent resolutions, the applicant shall <br />replace all trees or shrubs which were previously planted pursuant to this resolution <br />or its predecessor, if any, or which were present at the time of the adoption of this <br />resolution or its predecessor, if any, and which have failed to survive as live and <br />healthy plants. <br />Planting shall specifically include planting of new trees or replacement <br />of existing dead trees to achieve full compliance with all 1975, 1976 and 1977 <br />intentions as shown on Exhibit A. This totals at least 19 trees (VV caliper or <br />48" minimum height) interspersed with vines to achieve at least 50% opaque screening <br />of the entire property perimeter. <br />All planting and landscaping described in this resolution shall be com- <br />pleted at no cost to the city. Conditions unforeseen at the time of the execution <br />• of this resolution or new conditions arising during the time period of this resolu- <br />tion shall be in all respects the responsibility of the applicant ufi o may then <br />prepare new plans and specifications and submit them to the City Council for approval. <br />