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Resolution No. 548 <br />RESOLUTION TO ISSUE AND SELL $1,700,000 <br />GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1.974 <br />BE I.T RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Orono, Minnesota, as follows: <br />1. The City deems it necessary and expedient <br />to .issue and sell $1,700,000 negotiable coupon, General Obligation <br />Improvement. Bonds of 1974, to provide financing in the amount <br />of $1,667,500 for the costs, including contract pri.ce, construction <br />interest., and legal, fiscal and miscellaneous costs, of constructing <br />Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 7.3-1, a local sanitary sewer improve- <br />ment ordered by the City by re-soi.utlJn adopted April. 8, 1974, <br />pursuant to the authority of Chapter. 429, Minnesota Statutes, and <br />also to provide $ 32,500 of additional interest .in the form <br />of obligations as authorized by Section 475.56, Minnesota Statutes. <br />The City Council has made all necessary investigation, has held <br />a public hearing after due notice regarding the improvement, <br />and finds that the improvement will be a special benefit to <br />property .in the City and that special assessments may and will <br />be levied on, said property in an amount not less than 20% of <br />the estimated cost of each such improvement. <br />2. The City Council will meet at the City Hall <br />on Tuesday , the 27th day of August , 1974 at 7:30 o'clock <br />P.M., for the purpose of receiving and considering sealed bids <br />for the purchase of said General Obligation Improvement Bonds <br />of 1974. <br />3. The terms of such bonds and of the sale thereof <br />shall be the terms set forth in the following Official Notice <br />of Bond Sale, which shall be furnished to all. interested bidders <br />by the City Clerk -Administrator and by Ehlers and Associates, <br />Inc., fiscal agents for the City: <br />Adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Orono, Minnesota <br />at a regular meeting held July 23, 1974. <br />Robert L. Searles, Mayor <br />Attest: <br />Walter R. Benson, Acting Clerk -Administrator <br />0 <br />