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Resolution No. 547 <br />UTION <br />RDING CONTRACT <br />FOR A PORTION EOFLSANIITARYASEWER IMPROVEhENT NO. <br />73-1 <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />Orono, Minnesota, as follows: <br />1. It is hereby found and determined that the lowest <br />and best bid for the construction of that portion of Sanitary <br />Sewer Improvement No. 73-1 described as follows: <br />73-1F - Tonkawa Road area south of Bayside Road to <br />North Shore Drive <br />73-1D - North Shore Drive area, john's Point Read to <br />Noerenberg Channel <br />73-1A - Daniel's Long Lake Heights <br />73-1E - Windjammer Lane, Loma Linda Avenue, Dahl Road, <br />Pirate's Cove area, North Arm Drive <br />Is the bid of Northdale Construction in the amount of :1,226,483.00. <br />2. The Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized <br />and directed to execute a contract with the successful bidder. <br />3• The City Clerk is authorized .and directed to return <br />the good faith checks of the unsuccessful bidders and to retain <br />the bid deposit of the successful bidder <br />... Pending execution of the <br />contract documents and the <br />aucc essful bidder. performance and payment bonds by the <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ss. <br />I. the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting <br />City Clerk -Administrator of Orono, Minnesota, do hereby certify <br />that the attached Extract of Minutes of Meeting is a true and com- <br />pared copy of the minutes of a meeting of the City Council of said <br />City, held July 23t 1974, insofar as the same relates to Improvement <br />No. 73-1 of the City and that the attached Resolution entitled <br />"Resolution Awarding Contract for a Portion of Sanitary Sewer Im- <br />provement No. ?3-l" is a true and compared copy of the Resolution <br />referred to in said minutes and on file and of record in my office. <br />WITNESS My hand officially as such Clerk -Administrator <br />and the seal of the City this 23rdday of July 1974. <br />., q, :4 i . •r.- � j � �i <br />City C erk-Admin strator '~ <br />City of Orono, Minnesota <br />(Seal) <br />