(Resolution #437, continued)
<br />Prospect Avenue, Railroad Avenue, Rest Point Road, Rest Point Lane,
<br />Russell Avenue, Shevliri Drive, Smith Avenue, Spring Hill Road, Stubbs
<br />Bay Road, Togo Road, Tonka Avenue, Tonkaview Lane, Turnham Road, Vine
<br />Place, Watertown Road, Webber Hills Road, West Lafayette Road., West Lake
<br />Street, Wildhurst Trail, Willow Drive -12 -6th Avenue, Willow Drive -
<br />Long Lake -Watertown Road (Bridge 15 ton gross), Willow Drive -Watertown
<br />Road -#146, Windjammer Lane, Woodhill Avenue.
<br />The following streets are limited -to 4 ton axle limits: Hunter Drive,
<br />Homestead Trail, Starkey Road, Tamarack Drive, Willow Drive -6th Avenue -
<br />Medina.
<br />Old Crystal 'Bay -_ :Roa(Bridge 15 tor_ gross) .
<br />Adopted by the Village Council of the Village of Orono, Minnesota at a
<br />regular meeting held March 13, 1972.
<br />Louis er, auser, Mayor
<br />Attest:
<br />Ralpff H. N tin., Clerk -Administrator
<br />RESOLUTION #438 �
<br />WHEREAS, the following municipalities: the City of St. Louis
<br />Park, the City of Hopkins, the City of Minnetonka, the City of Wayzata,
<br />the Village of Excelsior, the Village of Orono, have determined an
<br />urgent need to coordinate.the services, both in the private and public
<br />sector and volunteer area, for planning, providing, and coordinating the
<br />human services available and needed in western Hennepin County; and
<br />WHEREAS, the above municipalities desire to enter a joint
<br />agreement pursuant to M.S.A. 471.593, known as the Joint Powers Act, to
<br />further investigate and plan the development of- facilities and/or services
<br />to answer these needs, the same as any one of the above named municipalities
<br />might do individually; and
<br />WHEREAS, human services as used shall include, among other things,
<br />the provision of services to meet the needs of mental health and
<br />retardation, drug and alcohol problems, maintenance of an individuals
<br />ability to function within his society, conseling of the family, and
<br />related matters;
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED that the City of St. Louis Park,
<br />the City of Hopkins, the City of Minnetonka, the City of Wayzata, the .
<br />Village of Excelsior, the Village of Orono, agree to enter an agreement
<br />for the purpose of establishing a Human Services Planning Committee.
<br />