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Resolution 5495
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5495
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/5/2015 12:48:08 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:48:08 PM
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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5 4 9 5 <br />Addition was platted in 1994, Manor Circle was ultimately not extended; its 50' corridor dead - <br />ends at the rear lot lines of 2485 and 2525 Thoroughbred Lane; and <br />WHEREAS, the properties at 2485 and 2525 Thoroughbred Lane do not have an <br />identified need for rear access to Manor Circle, and have not used Manor Circle for access. <br />Further, no utility lines serving 2485 and 2525 Thoroughbred Lane require use of Manor Circle, <br />and no private or public trail system, drainageway or other amenity exists or is planned that <br />would suggest a need for preservation of the entire Manor Circle corridor as a public road; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owners have jointly requested that the City vacate Manor <br />Circle, and have requested that the City approve a re -plat involving the vacated road and their <br />respective properties to create a private road outlot with cul-de-sac, and increase the size of their <br />individual lots. An additional basis for the request is to allow the owners of 130 Manor Circle to <br />meet the required setbacks for a proposed addition to their existing residence without the need <br />for a setback variance; and <br />• WHEREAS, while the paved road segment of Manor Circle exists within the <br />dedicated 50' right-of-way corridor, the existing paved cul-de-sac circle extends easterly and <br />westerly beyond the dedicated right-of-way into the Properties. It was originally intended that <br />these cul-de-sac extensions be on temporary easements, and that the cul-de-sac pavement be <br />removed once the road was extended to the north. It is not known whether temporary easements <br />were ever created, but if so, they may need to be modified under the proposed re -plat; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 21, 2006 the Owners filed an application for the proposed <br />street and easement vacation and re -plat; and <br />WHEREAS, after due published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota <br />Statutes 462.358 et. seq. and the City of Orono Zoning and Subdivision Codes, the Orono <br />Planning Commission held a public hearing on the application on July 17, 2006, at which time <br />all persons desiring to be heard concerning this application were given the opportunity to speak <br />thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, on July 17, 2006 the Planning Commission recommended approval <br />of the application, conditioned on the dedication of necessary utility and drainage easements and <br />provision of evidence that the road will continue to be maintained by the Owners or the existing <br />neighborhood homeowners association; and <br />Page 2 of 7 <br />
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