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Resolution 5493
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5493
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Last modified
11/5/2015 12:47:17 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:47:17 PM
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U <br />• <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 549 3 <br />17. Provision to the City of final plans and specifications for improvements to the <br />property including construction of sewer and water service improvements, <br />stormwater and drainage systems and facilities, site grading and landscaping per <br />the requirements of Resolution No. 5434. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that based on the findings of <br />Resolution No. 5434, the City Council of the City of Orono does hereby approve the five lot <br />residential plat of SHERRI LAKEVIEW ESTATES, Hennepin County, Minnesota subject to the <br />following declarations and conditions: <br />1. Zoning, Shoreland Status. The property is zoned LR -IC Single Family Lakeshore <br />Residential District and subject to the lot development standards of the LR -1C District. <br />Additionally, Lots 1 through 5 are within the designated Shoreland Overlay District and <br />subject to the City of Orono Shoreland regulations pertinent thereto. <br />2. Lot Standards. Buildable envelopes including approved setbacks for the two new back <br />lots (Lots 3 and 4) are as shown on Sheets C2-1 and 03-1, the Preliminary Site Plan and <br />Preliminary Grading Plan per Exhibit B of Resolution No. 5434. For both Lots 3 and 4, <br />the northerly yard is the front yard, the southerly yard is the rear yard, and the easterly <br />and westerly yards are side yards. For Lot 1, by definition the easterly, yard is front, the <br />westerly yard is rear, the southerly yard is a side yard, and the northerly yard is a side <br />street yard. However, because of its highly visible corner lot status at the intersection of <br />two major County roads, Lot 1 shall be further limited in that no principal or accessory <br />structures shall be allowed within 20 feet of the north lot line. Accessory structures may <br />be placed on all Lots according to City standards except as noted for Lot 1. <br />3. Driveway Access. Driveway access to Lots 1 and 3 shall be a shared driveway within <br />Outlot A. Driveway access to Lots 4 and 5 shall be a shared driveway within Outlot B. <br />The existing driveway access onto Shadywood Road for Lot 2 shall remain. All other <br />curb cuts or access points onto the adjacent County Roads shall be removed. The <br />developer shall establish the appropriate shared driveway easements and maintenance <br />covenants over Outlots A and B. Developer shall provide copies of approved Hennepin <br />County permits for driveway access locations for Outlots A and B. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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