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" EXHIBIT A <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 5 4 8.5 <br /> Sheet 2 of 2 <br /> (Enlarged Legal Description) <br /> CONLEY BROOKS DESCRIPTION PER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO.856344 <br /> All of the following described tract <br /> Lot 24,'Country Club Estates Hennepin County, Minn.", except that part of said Lot described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the most Southerly comer of said Lot 24;thence Northwesterly along the Southwesterly line <br /> of said Lot a distance of 26.6 feet;thence Northeasterly deflecting to the right at an angle of 89 degrees and <br /> 18 Minutes to the North line of said Lot 24;thence East along the North line of said Lot to the most Northerly <br /> corner of Lot 23 in said Country Club Estates, Hennepin County, Minn.;thence Southwesterly along the line <br /> between said Lots 23 and 24 to the point of beginning, which lies Southerly of a line drawn from a point on <br /> the West line of said Lot distant 205 feet South of the Northwest comer of said lot, through a point on the <br /> Southeasterly line of said Lot distant 300 feet Southwesterly of the Northeasterly comer of said lot <br /> That part of Government Lot 1,Section 2,Township 117, Range 23, described as follows: <br /> Commencing at the most southerly comer of Lot 24, "Country Club Estates, Hennepin County, <br /> Minn.; thence Northwesterly, along the southwesterly line of said Lot 24, a distance of 26.6 feet; thence <br /> Southwesterly, deflecting to left at an angle of 90 degrees and 42 minutes,to the center line of County Road <br /> (Orono Road) as shown on said plat and the actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence <br /> continuing Southwesterly, on the same course, to the shore line of Lake Minnetonka;thence Northwesterly, <br /> along said shore line, to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 24; thence <br /> Northerly,- along said southerly extension, to said center line of County Road (Orono Road); thence <br /> Southeasterly,along said center line,to the point of beginning. <br /> ALSO, CONLEY BROOKS DESCRIPTION PER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 1158389 <br /> That part of Lot 4, North Shore Cottage Acres Lake Minnetonka, lying Southerly of a line described as <br /> follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of said lot; thence South along the east line of said lot, a <br /> distance of 487 feet to the actual point of beginning of the line to be described;thence westerly, deflecting to <br /> the right 88 degrees 30 minutes,to the westerly line of said lot and there terminating. <br /> That part of Lot 5, North Shore Cottage Acres Lake Minnetonka, lying southeasterly of a line drawn from.a <br /> point on the southwesterly line of said lot distant 90 feet northwesterly from the southeast corner of said lot <br /> to an angle point in the east line of said lot distant 99.1 feet northerly from the southeast corner of said lot <br /> That part of Lot 12, North Shore Cottage Acres Lake Minnetonka, and West Ferndale Road (dedicated in <br /> said plat as County Road), and accretions to said lot in Government Lot 2, Section 2, Township 117, Range <br /> 23, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of said West Ferndale Road with <br /> the east line of said Government Lot 2 (which east line has an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 11 <br /> minutes 54 seconds East);thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 13 seconds West, along said centerline, a <br /> distance of 23.00 feet to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described;thence South 0 degrees <br /> 11 minutes 54 seconds West, parallel with said east line, a distance of 52 feet,more or less,to the shoreline <br /> of Lake Minnetonka; thence southwesterly and westerly, along said shoreline, to the intersection with the <br /> southerly extension of the west line of said Lot 12; thence northerly along said west line and its southerly <br /> and northerly extensions, a distance of 100 feet, more or less,to the centerline of said West Ferndale Road; <br /> thence South 89 degrees 47 minutes 13 seconds East, along said centerline, to the actual point of <br /> beginning. <br /> Subject to the dedication in said plat to the public of County Road(now known as West Ferndale Road. <br /> GERALD MCCOURTNEY DESCRIPTION <br /> Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 1372,files of Registrar of Titles, Hennepin County, Minnesota, <br /> ALSO <br /> That part of Lot 11, North Shore Cottage Acres Lake Minnetonka, described as follows: Beginning at the <br /> Southeast corner of said Lot 11; thence Westerly along the South shore line of said Lot 100 feet, thence <br /> Northerly on a straight line to a point on the North line of said Lot 95 feet from the northeast comer of said <br /> Lot 11; thence Southeasterly along said North line to the Northeast comer of said Lot; thence Southerly <br /> along the East line of said Lot 325 feet to place of beginning. <br /> CHARLES FLOYD DESCRIPTION PER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 1158388 <br /> That part of Lot 12, North Shore Cottage Acres, Lake Minnetonka, and West Ferndale Road (dedicated in <br /> said plat as County Road), and accretions to said lot in Government Lot 2, Section 2, Township 117, Range <br /> 23, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of said West Ferndale Road with the east line of said <br /> Government Lot 2 (which east line has an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 11 minutes 54 seconds <br /> East);thence North 89 degrees 47 minutes 13 seconds West, along said centerline, a distance of 23.00 feet; <br /> thence South 0 degrees 11 minutes 54 seconds West, parallel with said east line, a distance of 52 feet, <br /> more or less, to the shoreline of Lake Minnetonka; thence northeasterly, along said shoreline, to the <br /> intersection with the southerly extension of the east line of said Government Lot 2; thence North 0 degrees <br /> 11 minutes 54 seconds East, along said east line and its southerly extension, a distance of 34 feet, more or <br /> less,to the point of beginning. <br />