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Resolution 5477
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5477
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Last modified
11/5/2015 12:41:40 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:41:40 PM
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• <br />0 <br />o� o <br />CITY of ORONO <br />ONti <br />RESOLUTION OF \THE <br />I 4 7 COUNCIL k SI30 NO. <br />4. Code changes since 1987 that have an impact on expansion of this <br />structure include: <br />a) In 1989 the Oversize Accessory Structure Ordinance was adopted, <br />which allows structures over 1,000 s.f. area, based on the size of <br />the lot; the existing and proposed structure no longer require a <br />variance, but are subject to certain restrictions via covenants; and <br />b) In 1992 the Shoreland Ordinance was adopted which declared <br />Lydiard Lake as a Natural Environment Lake requiring a 150' <br />setback for structures, hence most pre-existing structures less than <br />150' from the shore became legal nonconformities. <br />The result of these Code revisions is that expansion of the existing garage <br />/guest house now requires a location variance, but the size of the proposed <br />structure fits within the limits for the 6.3 acre lot in which it is located, <br />requiring the establishment of an additional covenant. <br />5. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing <br />held on May 15, 2006 and on a vote of 4-1 recommended approval of the <br />lakeshore setback variance as proposed, subject to execution of the <br />standard Oversize Accessory Structure Covenant, based on the following <br />findings: <br />a) The existing location of the building is a hardship, and expansion <br />of it in the proposed location and style will not be detrimental to <br />the lake nor be out of character with the neighborhood. <br />b) The building more than meets other setback requirements, and is <br />located to have no impact on views of the lake enjoyed by <br />neighboring property owners. <br />c) The existing building is connected to a septic system that was new <br />in 2005, and the proposed addition does not increase the expected <br />water use of the building. <br />Page2of6 <br />
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