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Resolution 5470
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5470
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11/5/2015 12:39:22 PM
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11/5/2015 12:39:21 PM
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0 <br />• <br />4 <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5470 <br />D. A 60' flagpole would be approximately 4 times the height of the east fagade of the <br />main building. The City Council concludes that a 60' flag pole height would be <br />out of character with flagpole heights generally in the City and in the Long Lake <br />area, will be higher than the existing tree line, and is not necessary to draw <br />attention to the site for the applicant's suggested purposes of identifying the site. <br />E. The requested language revisions that would allow more than 40 `demonstration' <br />or `display' vehicles would require storage of those in excess of 40 to the south <br />end of the east lot. The existing language identifies different types of vehicles that <br />will be stored in the main easterly parking lot as "new vehicles and finished <br />vehicles ready for delivery to dealerships". It goes on to state that up to 40 <br />vehicles may be parked for "display" at the north end of the main parking lot (15 <br />cars) and at the north end of the building (25 cars). The "display" vehicle <br />language was originally intended to make a distinction between those cars that are <br />for demonstration purposes as part of the fleet sales and leasing element of the <br />operation at this site, and those stored or parked for other reasons. Specifically, <br />per Finding G of Resolution No. 4845, "...It is the understanding of the Planning <br />Commission that .the. outside display area is for the fleet customer test drive and <br />viewing, but not to attract the general public to the site for individual purchase of <br />vehicles." <br />F. Council finds that it is highly unlikely that the public would visually perceive a <br />difference between cars stored for demonstration purposes or cars stored or parked <br />for other purposes on the site, and that the excess traffic in the area caused by the <br />availability of more demonstrator vehicles will likely be minimal or <br />imperceptible. <br />G. Parking on the site as laid out in the proposed site plan has the capacity for 542 <br />vehicles, which would include employee and customer vehicles as well as <br />vehicles stored for display, new vehicles for fleet sales, vehicles awaiting <br />preparation or repair, etc. The 250 vehicle limitation on "parking of new vehicles <br />and finished vehicles ready for delivery to dealerships" imposed by Resolution <br />No. 4845 was not specifically expanded to 320 vehicles in Resolution No. 5388, <br />although functionally that approval added about 100 stalls south of the existing <br />lot. It would be appropriate to expand the limitation on parking of new vehicles <br />and finished vehicles ready for delivery to dealerships, from 250 to 320 stalls at <br />this time. <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />
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