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Resolution 5470
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5470
Entry Properties
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11/5/2015 12:39:22 PM
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11/5/2015 12:39:21 PM
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�O _V <br />O O <br />• 3 CITY of ORONO <br />a � <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />`�kEsK0 NO. 5 4 7 <br />Minnesota: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Orono, <br />FINDINGS <br />This application was reviewed as Zoning File #05-3185. <br />2. The property is located in the (I) Industrial District. The property is subject to a number of <br />prior approvals documented in Resolutions No. 4845 (August 2002); No. 4993 (June 2003); <br />No. 5059 (October 2003); No. 5084 (November 2003); No. 5250 (November 2004); and <br />No. 5388 (October 2005). <br />3. Applicant proposes a 150' x 175' (25,620 s.f.) addition to the main building, squaring off <br />the southwest corner of the building. <br />4. Applicant proposes to create a 10' x 25' walkway connection between the two existing <br />detached truck garages. <br />5. Applicant proposes to abandon the south half of the 200' x 200' parking lot extension <br />approved in 2005, which has has been graded and graveled, but not paved. Applicant is <br />proposing to create a new 160' x 220' (35,000 s.f.) parking area directly south of the new <br />main building addition, plus a new 26' x 210' (5,500 s.f.) connecting driveway south of <br />the truck garage. The net result is 20,500 s.f. of bituminous hardcover over and above the <br />level of previous approvals. <br />6. Applicant requests a CUP per Section 78-1366 to allow two (2) 60 -foot high flag poles, <br />where the code would normally limit such poles to 40'. One would be located directly <br />behind the new monument sign adjacent to Highway 12, the second to be located in the <br />midpoint of the large easterly parking area, about 450' south of Highway 12 and 180' <br />west of the east lot line. <br />7. Applicant requests an amendment of the existing CUP conditions within Resolution No. <br />4845 to allow, as part of the fleet sales and leasing element of the operation, more than <br />the 40 `demonstration' or `display' vehicles currently allowed, but those in excess of 40 <br />would be stored to the south end of the east lot. <br />8. The Orono Planning Commission reviewed this application on April 17, 2006 and on a vote <br />of 5-1 recommended approval all elements of the current request with the exception of the <br />Page 2of8 <br />
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