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Resolution 5468
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5468
Entry Properties
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11/14/2018 1:06:17 PM
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11/5/2015 12:38:37 PM
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! CITY of ORONO <br />ti <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />`9kES80NO. 5 A t2 <br />1) Applicant has located the house so that its greatest encroachment past <br />the standard average setback line as defined by the two adjacent <br />lakeshore homes (1910 Heritage Drive to the east, 1950 Heritage <br />Drive to the west) is approximately 70 feet. However, the home is <br />located so that it does not encroach past a re -defined average <br />lakeshore setback line as defined by the immediately adjacent home <br />to the east, and the second adjacent home to the west (1900 Shoreline <br />Drive). <br />2) The basis for this re -defined average setback line is that the residence <br />at 1950 Heritage Drive is located approximately 200' further back <br />from the lakeshore than the neighboring homes along Shoreline <br />Drive, being the anomaly among lakeshore lots in the neighborhood. <br />Further, the owners of 1910 Heritage Drive and 1950 Heritage Drive <br />have indicated that the proposed encroachment of 70 feet results in a <br />new home location that has the least visual impacts and most <br />minimizes negative impacts as compared to all other possible new <br />home locations on the property, and helps to maintain open space in <br />the immediate neighborhood. <br />g) The location and scale of the proposed residence is such that appropriate <br />vegetative screening should be established to soften the impacts of the size <br />and location of the proposed home. The applicant has provided a landscaping <br />plan that is appropriate to accomplish this purpose. <br />h) The applicant has provided a grading and drainage plan that with minor <br />revisions is acceptable to the City Engineer. <br />i) The Council finds that the negative neighborhood impacts of establishing a <br />new driveway to Heritage Drive outweigh the degree of public safety <br />improvement that could be gained by removing the existing County Road 15 <br />driveway access. The Council finds that it would be appropriate to require <br />that the existing driveway access be retained and that no access to Heritage <br />Drive be allowed. The Council finds that new grading and drainage plans <br />directing drainage to the front of the property should be developed, and that a <br />new landscape plan incorporating a number of tress lining the existing <br />driveway should be developed, and finds that these conditions are necessary <br />. to mitigate the impacts of the area, width and average setback variances. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />
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