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Resolution 5468
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5468
Entry Properties
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MINUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Monday, May 8, 2006 <br /> 7:00 o'clock p.m. <br /> (4. #OS-3136 TROYBRDITZMAN, 1860 SHORELINE DRIVE, Continued) <br /> Murphy stated that he would be willing to table the application only if the applicant was willing to <br /> take what had been said to heart, and bring back something with less massing than what has been <br /> proposed thus far. <br /> Sansevere stated that,to him, drainage was still an issue. <br /> McMillan pointed out that massing and square footage do not necessarily equate to value. <br /> Broitzman asked then, if the Council would prefer all of the water directed at the lake. <br /> Murphy stated that, once again,the applicant was taking too literal a position, that, of course, the <br /> Council would urge the applicant to wo:k with staff to resolve the drainage issues and not aim the <br /> water directly into the lake. <br /> Murphy withdrew his motion for denial. <br /> Murphy moved,Mayor Peterson seconded,to table the application one more time to allow <br /> the applicant time to redesign the proposal. VOTE: Ayes 5,Nays 0. <br /> Murphy urged the applicant and neighbors to continue their dialogue another month. <br /> Mr. Coward voiced his frustration at this moving target as things continually change from what the <br /> applicant tells them is to be the case. He cited the example of the driveway which he was told <br /> would be cut below grade, so as not to impact them, only to find out that this was not to be the <br /> case. <br /> 5. #06-3179 TOM RADKE,3424 EASTLAKE STREET—VARIANCE <br /> Curtis explained that the applicants were requesting a 75'-250' zone hardcover variance in order to <br /> construct a new patio with a pergola and covered front entry. In April the Planning Commission <br /> voted 4-2 to recommend conditional approval of the request provided that the applicants further <br /> reduce hardcover within the 75-250' zone to reach 31.7% as approved in 1985. She noted that the <br /> two dissenting Commissioners would have allowed 33% hardcover within the zone. Curtis <br /> indicated that the planning staff recommends a reduction in hardcover to meet the level which was <br /> approved in 1985. <br /> Mr. Radke presented a side by side comparison between he and his neighbor's lots built at the same <br /> time, with his being slightly larger but allowed approximately 8% less hardcover. He added that his <br /> property also contains a lift station to which the City never obtained a signed easement for but the <br /> past Public Works Director insinuated in the minutes that good a�zd valuable consideration should <br /> be given to tlie ow�2e��s by tlTe ciry if they should apply for future applications. <br /> Sansevere pointed out that it appeared to him that the applicant moved ahead with something <br /> thinking that at some time the City would give him some additional consideration for allowing <br /> them to put an easement on his property. <br /> PAGE lo of i� <br />
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