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w . _ <br /> . <br /> M]NUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Monday, May 8, 2006 <br /> 7:00 o'clock p.m. <br /> (4. #OS-3136 TROYBROITZMAN, I860 SHORELINE DRIVE, Coratinued) <br /> plans/elevations have not been revised, Gaffron stated that the applicant requests final approval for <br /> the lot area, width, and average lakeshore setback variances. <br /> Gaffron indicated that the grading plan had been revised to create a swale about 20' in from the NE <br /> lot line, draining to the front and minimizing impacts on the existing trees between the Charrier and <br /> Broitzman homes. Additionally, the driveway now incorporates curbing rather than an inverted <br /> crown, so runoff from all parts of the driveway will be directed to the rear. In addition, the side <br /> driveway apron will be bordered by a 1-2' retaining wall in an attempt to minimize impacts on the <br /> two existing spruces, although staff is skeptical they will survive. <br /> Gaffron continued, stating that as the driveway leaves the garage area and curves towards Heritage <br /> Drive, very little of it will be below existing grade. It will remain curbed on both sides all the way <br /> to Heritage, where catch basins will divert runoff to the wetland rather than onto Heritage Drive. <br /> Gaffron noted that it has been determined by the Engineer that the added runoff due to the <br /> reconstruction on this site will require installation of a culvert offsite, of which there are two <br /> options, 1) under the Coward's driveway which was apparently built through a wetland,without <br /> installation of a culvert in the 1960's, or 2) under Heritage Drive to the larger wetland to the north. <br /> With regard to the landscaping plan, Gaffron stated that all the proposed plantings are on the <br /> Broitzman property. From a staff perspective, Gaffron noted that even though the grading plan now <br /> makes an attempt to save the trees, there is the potential that all existing trees in proximity to the <br /> applicant's new home are at risk, and he should be prepared to replace those that are damaged <br /> during the demolition and consiruction process.To that end, Gaffron pointed out that a draft <br /> resolution with numerous conditions had been drafted for Council consideration and comment with <br /> the requirement that all trees and shrubs shown on an approved landscaping plan be in place prior <br /> to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. <br /> Kellogg stated that he had made a site visit with the applicant and that many of the points had been <br /> incorporated into the proposal. He indicated fhat the appiicant had made great strides in retaining <br /> water and drainage on his site. <br /> Sansevere asked whether the Cowards favored a culvert running under their driveway. <br /> Gaffron stated that, for some reason, in the 1960's no culvert was put in and should have been done <br /> so at that time. He indicated that staff had no specific preference,though it would be more costly to <br /> put the culvert under the road. <br /> Broitzman stated that they could install a 12' culvert under the driveway and restore it to its <br /> original condition after being placed. <br /> Mr. Coward, 1950 Heritage Drive, stated that he did not have a strong position with regard to the <br /> culvert,though he would prefer not to tear up his driveway to place one there. <br /> White stated that, in his personal opinion, the applicant should return to his original request to <br /> maintain the dnveway off the front of the home onto County Road 15 in order to retain the <br /> vegetation in the backyard. He felt that, in an attempt to help the County out by reducing the <br /> PAGE 4 of 17 <br />