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* . <br /> � <br /> MINUTES OF THE <br /> ORONO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br /> Monday, May 22, 2006 <br /> 7:00 o'clock pm. <br /> ZONING ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br /> 4. #OS-3136 TROY BROITZMAN, 1860 SHORELINE DRIVE—VARIANCE— <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 5468 <br /> Gaffron explained that the applicant had submitted a new grading plan, new landscaping plan and <br /> new building plans and elevations since the May 8 meeting. The plans continue to have the <br /> driveway accessing to Heritage Drive,but show an attempt to direct drainage to the front. Gaffron <br /> indicated that the applicant requests final approval for the lot area,width, and average setback <br /> variances. <br /> The changes to the house plans included the length of the garage wing had been shortened <br /> approximately 6 feet,the bonus room above the westerly half of the garage wing had been <br /> eliminated,reducing the bulk of the structure above the garage area, and the basement theater had <br /> been lengthened while the storage below the westerly half of the garage wing had been eliminated, <br /> becoming an unexcavated area. <br /> Gaffron pointed out that the attempt to direct runoff toward Shoreline Drive is a positive <br /> improvement. He explained that the added runoff from the proposed rear driveway would be <br /> insignificant in terms of adding to any floodwater height if flooding were to occur.Additional <br /> information requested by the City Engineer included pre-post drainage calculations,information <br /> regarding what the impacts of a 100-year runoff would have on the small wetland on the <br /> applicant's properiy, as well a the Fo�ill outlot, and finally, noting that the grading around the <br /> front terrace has changed to include more fill exposing less of the terrace wall to Shoreline Drive, <br /> leaving the walkout opening toward the side lot line. <br /> Gaffron pointed out that staff does not support the retention of the driveway to Shoreline Drive and <br /> believes a driveway to Heritage Drive could be designed and implemented to have no unreasonable <br /> impacts to neighboring properties. <br /> Christine Wytaske, 1860 Shoreline Drive, and Jim Palmer of Advanced Surveying and Engineering <br /> were present with the applicant to address drainage and landscaping questions. <br /> Murphy stated that he went out to the site once again, and while he appreciated the willingness of <br /> the applicant to make some changes to the massing, knocking off the top of the garage wing, he <br /> still felt the home was massive and somewhat out of scale. In addition, he stated that he was more <br /> convinced than ever that the driveway should remain off Shoreline Drive,rather than disrupting so <br /> much in the rear of the home to lose one curb cut. <br /> McMillan complimented the applicant on the more natural proposed landscaping plan. <br /> Murphy continued, stating that he believed they could enhance the current driveway off County <br /> Road 15 with plantings and trees to provide screening. He asked whether the neighbors were in <br /> support of his proposal. <br /> McMillan disagreed, stating that she supported the opposite approach. She believed the applicant <br /> had adequate hardship to support his plans and had adjusted them accordingly to address staff and <br /> City issues, plus would eliminate a curb cut as requested by the County. <br /> PAGE 2 of 9 <br />