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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5441 <br />comments by the applicants and the public, and the effect of the proposed <br />variance on the health, safety and welfare of the community. <br />5. The City Council finds that the conditions existing on this property are <br />peculiar to it and do not apply generally to other property in this zoning <br />district; that granting the variance would not adversely affect traffic <br />conditions, light, air nor pose a fire hazard or other danger to neighboring <br />Property; would not merely serve as a convenience to the applicants, but is <br />necessary to alleviate a demonstrable hardship or difficulty; is necessary to <br />preserve a substantial property right of the applicants; and would be in <br />keeping with the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code and Comprehensive <br />Plan of the City. <br />CONCLUSIONS, ORDER AND CONDITIONS <br />Based upon one or more of the above findings, the Orono City Council -hereby <br />grants variances to Orono Municipal Zoning Code Sections 78-350(b), and 78-1288(b) to <br />allow construction of an attached garage addition and a half story addition 5.5' from the <br />west side lot line, subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Council approval is based on the site plan and house plans submitted by the <br />applicants and annotated by City staff, attached to this Resolution as Exhibits A <br />and B. Any amendments to the site plan or home plans which are not in <br />conformity with City codes will require further Planning Commission and City <br />Council review. <br />2. Hardcover in the 0-75' zone shall not increase above the level of 0%. Hardcover <br />in the 75-250' zone shall be limited to 2,816 s.f. or 35% per the proposed plan and <br />hardcover allowance summary as depicted on Exhibit A. Applicants are advised <br />that any future requests to increase hardcover or change the nature of <br />existing/approved hardcover shall require City approval, and increases in <br />hardcover will not likely be approved without concurrent reduction in existing <br />hardcover. <br />3. Required removal of the retaining wall within the 0-75' zone shall be completed <br />• in conjunction with the removal of the retaining walls and re -grading and <br />restoration of the Carman Street right-of-way to grass and prior to the first <br />inspection for the home additions. <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />