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Resolution 5439
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5439
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CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 54 39 <br />A RESOLUTION ORDERING <br />PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS <br />FOR THE JAMESTOWN ROAD NEIGHBORHOOD <br />SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS <br />WHEREAS, the City of Orono is a municipal corporation existing under the laws <br />of the State of Minnesota; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Engineer has prepared a feasibility study to determine the <br />feasibility of the Jamestown Road Neighborhood sanitary sewer improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, on January 23, 2006 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 5418 <br />• receiving the feasibility report and calling for a public hearing for the Jamestown Road <br />Neighborhood sanitary sewer improvements; and <br />WHEREAS, ten days mailed notice and two weeks published notice of the <br />hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 27th day of February, 2006, at which <br />all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, as a result of the February 27 public hearing, the Council directed <br />staff to schedule a new public hearing, based on the Council's direction to expand the project <br />area to include 4 additional properties along County Road 6; and <br />WHEREAS,, ten days mailed notice and two weeks published notice of the <br />hearing was given, and the hearing was held thereon on the 27th day of March, 2006, at which <br />all persons desiring to be heard were given an opportunity to be heard thereon. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orono City Council does <br />hereby direct the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the Jamestown Road <br />Neighborhood sanitary sewer improvements <br />Adopted by the Orono City Council at a regular meeting held on March 27, 2006. <br />ATTEST: <br />Linda S. Vee, City Clerk Barbara A. Peterson, Mayor <br />
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