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Resolution 5435
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5435
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/5/2015 12:28:11 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:28:11 PM
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• <br />og'0�'o <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5435 <br />4. Subdivider shall develop covenants for each Lot for protection of drainfield <br />sites within each Lot. Covenants shall include protective language for <br />alternate septic sites along with site plans locating both primary and alternate <br />sites. Subdivider shall include language alerting future property owners of the <br />need to protect sites on adjacent properties. <br />5. Subdivider shall pay the standard Park Dedication Fee for proposed Lot 1, <br />Block 1, on the survey by Meyer-Rohlin, Inc., dated January 24, 2006. <br />6. Subdivider shall grant Flowage and Conservation Easements over the <br />wetlands in Lots 1 and 2, on the survey by Meyer-Rohlin, Inc., dated January ' <br />24, 2006. <br />7. The subdivision is subject to the Storm Water and Drainage Trunk Fee as <br />established by City Ordinance. <br />• 8. The subdivision is subject to dedication of standard Drainage & Utility <br />Easements along lot lines and over the shared driveway. <br />• <br />9. Subdivider is hereby advised that the City will not grant final plat approval <br />until the MCWD has approved a stormwater management plan for the <br />property. <br />10. Wetland. The areas delineated as wetland as shown on the preliminary plat <br />drawing shall be subject to the standard Flowage and Conservation Easement. <br />The wetland on Lot 1 is classified as a "Manage 2" requiring implementation <br />of a 25' wetland buffer and a 20' structure setback from the buffer for a total <br />of 45' of setback. The wetland on Lot 2 is classified as a "Manage 1" <br />requiring a 35' buffer and a 20' structure setback from the buffer for a total of <br />55' of setback. The subdivider shall execute a buffer maintenance covenant to <br />be filed in the chain of title. <br />11. Subdivider is hereby advised that preliminary subdivision approval will expire <br />within one year of the date of City Council approval, March 13, 2007. Should <br />the subdivider fail to complete the filing of the final plat application within the <br />year deadline, it shall be necessary for the subdivider to file a new preliminary <br />subdivision application with the City. <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />
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