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• <br />• <br />CITYof ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 5421 <br />10. Plans and Specifications. The following plans and specifications shall be submitted for <br />review and approval by the City and other appropriate jurisdictions, to ensure that the <br />proposed plat will accomplish the intended purposes: <br />a) Final plans and specifications for all proposed utility lines and services, including <br />proposed revisions, if any, to existing service facilities. <br />b) Final grading, drainage and erosion control plan* showing existing and proposed <br />contours, building locations, elevations, stormwater facilities and calculations, <br />utilities and erosion control measures to be used during construction. Final Plat <br />Approval will not be granted until the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District has <br />approved the stormwater management plans. <br />C) Engineering details and design for any proposed retaining walls. <br />d) Final boulevard landscaping design plan with planting schedules including <br />numbers and species, in accordance with the boulevard landscaping requirements <br />of the subdivision ordinance. <br />e) Road construction plans including proposed plan and profile views, typical street <br />section, geotechnical report, R -value recommendation and pavement design. <br />f) Sufficient detail to meet the recommendations of the City Engineer. <br />11. Other Easements. <br />a) Drainage and Utility Easements shall be dedicated to the public on the final plat <br />10' along all exterior property lines, and 5' either side of interior property lines, <br />except such easements shall be increased to accommodate drainage where <br />required, subject to City staff approval. <br />b) A Conservation and Flowage Easement shall be granted to the City of Orono over <br />all delineated wetlands on the property. Wetland buffer maintenance agreements <br />shall similarly be established. <br />C) A Road, Drainage and Utility Easement shall be granted to the City of Orono over <br />the private road Outlot. <br />Page 9 of 13 <br />