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Resolution 5421
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5421
Entry Properties
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11/5/2015 12:20:00 PM
Creation date
11/5/2015 12:19:59 PM
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0 <br />• <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OFXIJE I�TY COUNCIL <br />NO. 1++ <br />8. Development as a PRD will allow for slightly smaller lot sizes than normally <br />required, which is necessary to allow the relocation of the originally proposed <br />building lot at the southeast corner of the site to a location behind the wooded <br />backdrop. Each of the six lots will have a width of approximately 180' rather <br />than the 200' RR-lB standard width. Each lot has a proposed building site <br />meeting the RR -1B setback standards (50' front and rear, 30' sides). <br />9. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1 will have an average lot area of 1.4 acres rather than the <br />2.0 acres required under the RR -1B standards. This is in part a result of the need <br />to keep homes on the opposite lots in Block 2 above the steeper slopes to the east <br />to the greatest extent possible, which also results in the proposed road location. <br />Due to the smaller lot areas, the three lots in Block 1 will be somewhat limited <br />with regard to house location options, as well as in their ability to accommodate <br />additional amenities such as outbuildings, pools, sport courts, etc. These three <br />lots will be subject to special covenants that recognize and take special <br />precautions to preserve the primary and future on-site sewage treatment sites. <br />10. Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2 will have an average lot area of 2.3 acres of non -wetland <br />area. While these lots each have a proposed building site located at the minimum <br />required front setback, steep slopes to the east of each homesite result in proposed <br />grading that allows for walkouts but minimizes the ability for a relatively flat <br />back yard. Lot 3 Block 2 should be subject to covenants that limit the grading, <br />retaining wall heights and tree removal on these steep slopes in order to preserve <br />the wooded backdrop as viewed from Watertown Road. <br />11. The Planning Commission has recommended that a conservation easement be <br />dedicated over the easterly portions of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, in order to <br />preserve the wetland and wooded areas at the base of the long eastward slopes. <br />This wooded wetland is part of a large 100 -acre wetland complex lying <br />northeasterly from the property. <br />12. Due to steep slopes and the proximity to wetlands, it is critical that as much <br />stormwater and snowmelt runoff from the development as is feasible be <br />discharged to the proposed stormwater quality pond to be located within Outlot B. <br />This may require the use of curb and gutter and storm sewers, rather than a rural <br />section, to efficiently collect road runoff. The use of curb and gutter and buried <br />storm sewers may result in less disruption of existing vegetation, especially if this <br />avoids cutting wide swaths through the wooded area to accommodate swales. <br />Page 4 of 13 <br />
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