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Resolution 5420
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5420
Entry Properties
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11/5/2015 12:27:33 PM
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11/5/2015 12:19:29 PM
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• <br />L� <br />11. The proposed development <br />[Section 78-626(8)], with the <br />by the Planning Commission: <br />CITY of ORONO <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 54 2 0 <br />meets the RPUD standards for SFR development <br />following exceptions recommended as appropriate <br />* Existing house on Lot 1 at 40' setback from Willow will remain nonconforming <br />* * Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 are just short of the 125' standard, but each contains a usable building site with <br />acceptable rear yard <br />*** Structural coverage for this development will be governed by Floor Area Ratio and the standard <br />15% lot coverage limit will not apply. Floor Area for FAR purposes will include 3 -season and 4 - <br />season porches, but not screen porches that are smaller than 12' x 14'. <br />12. Lots 3-10 will be served by a new public road to be constructed by the developer <br />to City standards for this 8 -lot plat. All 8 new lots will have driveways accessing <br />the new road, and none shall have direct driveway access to Willow Drive. Lot <br />1's existing driveway access to Willow Drive will be allowed to remain. Because <br />this is considered an urban development, the City will ultimately own and <br />maintain the sanitary sewer lines and water mains. <br />13. The private recreation area of '10% of the platted property' required under the <br />RPUD standards will be sufficiently met by the creation of Outlot B as a private <br />open space area for use of the homeowners just within the development, in <br />addition to the trail connection between the new road and Glendale Drive through <br />the church property (Lot 2), such trail connection to be public and to be <br />constructed by the applicant. The Council has determined that the trail and Outlot <br />B, while comprising less than 10% of the area of new residential Lots 3-10, are <br />adequate to provide for the recreational needs of this development, given that it is <br />directly across Willow Drive from Hackberry Park. <br />Page 5 of 14 <br />RPUD Standard <br />Proposed Standard <br />Min. dry buildable lot area <br />15,000 sf <br />14,000 sf <br />Min. lot width at front setback line <br />90' <br />90' <br />Front setback: internal street <br />25' <br />30' <br />Setback to Willow Drive <br />50' <br />50'* <br />Minimum lot depth <br />125' <br />110'-125'** <br />Minimum rear yard <br />Lesser of 40' or 20% of <br />lot depth <br />Lesser of 40' or 20% <br />of lot depth <br />Min. side yard, lot line interior to RPUD <br />10' <br />10' <br />Min. side yard, lot line exterior to RPUD <br />15' <br />15' <br />Maximum building height <br />30' & 2-1/2 stories <br />30' & 2-1/2 stories <br />Floor Area Ratio*** <br />0.5 <br />0.4 <br />Lot coverage by structure* * * <br />NA <br />NA <br />* Existing house on Lot 1 at 40' setback from Willow will remain nonconforming <br />* * Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 are just short of the 125' standard, but each contains a usable building site with <br />acceptable rear yard <br />*** Structural coverage for this development will be governed by Floor Area Ratio and the standard <br />15% lot coverage limit will not apply. Floor Area for FAR purposes will include 3 -season and 4 - <br />season porches, but not screen porches that are smaller than 12' x 14'. <br />12. Lots 3-10 will be served by a new public road to be constructed by the developer <br />to City standards for this 8 -lot plat. All 8 new lots will have driveways accessing <br />the new road, and none shall have direct driveway access to Willow Drive. Lot <br />1's existing driveway access to Willow Drive will be allowed to remain. Because <br />this is considered an urban development, the City will ultimately own and <br />maintain the sanitary sewer lines and water mains. <br />13. The private recreation area of '10% of the platted property' required under the <br />RPUD standards will be sufficiently met by the creation of Outlot B as a private <br />open space area for use of the homeowners just within the development, in <br />addition to the trail connection between the new road and Glendale Drive through <br />the church property (Lot 2), such trail connection to be public and to be <br />constructed by the applicant. The Council has determined that the trail and Outlot <br />B, while comprising less than 10% of the area of new residential Lots 3-10, are <br />adequate to provide for the recreational needs of this development, given that it is <br />directly across Willow Drive from Hackberry Park. <br />Page 5 of 14 <br />
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