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Resolution 5415
Resolutions, Ordinances, Proclamations
Reso 0001-7499
Reso 5400 - 5499 (November 28, 2005 - August 28, 2006)
Resolution 5415
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11/5/2015 12:17:01 PM
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11/5/2015 12:17:00 PM
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Section 1 <br />SCOPE OF AGREEMENT <br />1.1 This License Agreement shall apply to the EPDB, which Hennepin County will provide <br />to Entity, after a specific request has been made to County. <br />Section 2 <br />GRANT OF LIMITED LICENSE <br />2.1 The County hereby grants the Entity a non-exclusive, nontransferable and nonassignable <br />limited use license to use the EPDB which includes self developed computer software <br />under Minn. Stat. § 375.86. Said license shall commence on the date of approval of this <br />Agreement by the County and shall extend throughout the term of the Agreement unless <br />terminated sooner, in accordance with the provisions hereof. <br />Section 3 <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION <br />RESERVATION OF TITLE <br />3.1 The Entity acknowledges and agrees that the EPDB is the exclusive property of the <br />County, including, but not limited to, any and all indexes, and includes commercially . <br />valuable information which reflect the efforts of skilled development experts and required <br />the investment of considerable amounts of time and money, and that the County has <br />treated the EPDB as trade secret and confidential information, which County entrusts to <br />the Entity in confidence to use in the conduct of the Entity's business. The Entity further <br />acknowledges and agrees the EPDB is a creative selection, coordination, arrangement and <br />method of arrangement of data which is identified as being subject to copyright <br />protection; is self -developed computer software under Minn. Stat. § 375.86 and is an <br />entire or substantial and discrete portion of a pattern, compilation, method, technique, <br />process, data base or system developed with significant expenditure of funds by County <br />under Minn. Stat. § 13.03. The Entity agrees that the County owns and reserves all <br />rights, protection and benefits afforded under federal copyright law in all EPDB furnished <br />to the Entity as unpublished works, as well as all rights, protection and benefits afforded <br />under any other law relating to confidential and/or trade secret information respecting <br />said EPDB, and that the Entity will abide by all relevant laws, rules, regulations and <br />decisions which afford protection to the County for its confidential and trade secret <br />information and said copyright. This Agreement does not effect any transfer of title in or <br />to any EPDB of the County. The Entity acknowledges that it is granted only a limited <br />right of use of such EPDB, which right is not coupled with an interest, and the Entity <br />shall not assert nor cause or cooperate with others to assert any right, title, or interest in <br />any EPDB of the County. <br />• <br />P) <br />
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