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<;t. � O� . <br /> � O O <br /> '_ � C ITY of ORONO <br /> � <br /> � - ;. � <br /> ti <br /> ti <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��`�kEsH.o�`'�G No. 5 5 5 :� � <br /> Parcel A (the new westerly parcel, to henceforth be addressed as 4731 North <br /> Shore Drive) and Parcel B (the new easterly parcel, to henceforth be addressed as <br /> 4725 North Shore Drive); and <br /> 3) A request for the following zoning variances for development of Parcel A: <br /> a. Lot area and lot width for a property 0.26 acres in area and 60' in width where <br /> 1.0 acre and 140' of width is iiormally required; and <br /> � b. Side street setback to allow a 13' setback from the adjacent uniinproved right- <br /> of-way where a 35' setback is iiormally required; and <br /> c. A 24' setback from the top of bluff where a 30' setback is nonnally required; <br /> and <br /> d. A 75' —250' hardcover variance to allow 2,132 s.f. or 30.3%hardcover where <br /> 25%is normally allowed; a�ld � <br /> . 4) A request for the following zoning variances for development of Parcel B: <br /> a. Lot area and lot width variances for a property 0.32 acre in area and 70' in <br /> width where 1.0 acre in area and 140' in width are normally required; and <br /> b. A rear yard setback of 21' where 30' is normally required; and <br /> c. A 75' — 250' hardcover variance to allow 2,878 s.f. or 34.5% hardcover <br /> where 25% is normally allowed; and <br /> . WHEREAS, after due published and mailed notice in accordance with Minnesota <br /> Staiutes 462.358 et. seq. and the City of Orono's Zoning and Subdivision Codes, the <br /> Orono Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 16, 2006 and November <br /> 20, 2006, at which time all persons desiring to be heard concerning this application were <br /> given the opporhuiity to speak tliereon; and <br /> WHEREAS, the applicants have completed or have agreed to complete all <br /> requirements for the City for metes and bounds subdivision of a lot line rearrangement <br /> for division and combination purposes, resulting in the relocation of the common lot <br /> boundaries between the properties, as shown in the survey attached as Exhibit A resulting <br /> in new legal descriptions for each as shown in Exhibit A; and <br /> WHEREAS, at their regular meeting held on December 11, 2006, the Orono City <br /> � Couilcil considered the proposed subdivision of a lot line rearrangement; the proposed <br /> street vacation; and the requested lot area, lot width, side street setback, rear yard setback, <br /> • bhiff setback and hardcover variances,noting the following findings of fact: <br /> Page 2 of 9 <br />