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3 <br />IT Y OF OIRON P, <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />NO. 650 <br />B. The applicant must provide certified copies of all recorded easements <br />currently affecting the property. <br />C. Signed and executed Drainage and Utility Easement and Declaration of <br />Private Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Private Driveway <br />Easement (or similar) for maintenance of same over private driveway <br />Outlot B. <br />D. Signed Flowage and Conservation Easement and Restrictive Covenant for <br />Wetlands. <br />E. Signed and executed Covenants for Protection of Drainfield Sites. <br />F. Signed Developer's Agreement. <br />G. Letter of Credit for construction of improvements. The City Engineer <br />shall establish the amount to be provided in the Letter of Credit. <br />Plat approval fees to be paid: Total due: $37,000.00. <br />A. Final plat fee = $700.00 <br />B. Park Dedication Fee: $5,550.00 <br />C. Stormwater and Drainage Trunk Fee: $30,750.00 <br />Adopted by the City Council of the City of Orono, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this 26th <br />day of October, 2015. <br />ATTEST: <br />lane Tiegs, ity Clefi- <br />Property Owner <br />Property Owner <br />I& - Lk kLh� <br />Lili Tod McMillan, Mayor <br />Page 9 of 9 <br />Property Owner <br />Property Owner <br />