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Section 4 6 � 2 � <br /> PROTECTION 4F PROPRIETARY INFORNiATION <br /> 4,1 Obligations af Confidentiality,Limitations of Use. The En�ity shall neither disclose, <br /> furnish, sell,resell, transfer,duplicate,reproduce nor disseminate,in whole or in part,the <br /> EPDB of the County and its unique design,arrangement or method of arrangement in its <br /> electronic form furnished to the Entity to(1) any other person, firm, entity, organization, <br /> or subsidiary,except as expressly authorized hereunder; or(2) any employee of the En�ity <br /> who does not need to obtain access thereto in connection with the Entity's exercise of its <br /> rights under this Agreement. The En�ity may have and use the EPDB on a corporate-wide <br /> basis and shall have the rights to use fihe EPDB on a limited number of sites,provided the <br /> equipment on which the EPDB is maintained supports only equipment operated by the <br /> Entity and the EPDB is used anly for the conduct of the Entiry's own internal business by <br /> Entity employees. All employees having access to the EPDB shall be informed of the <br /> requirements contained in Section 4 herein, The Entity shall not otherwise copy or <br /> reproduce any EPDB of the County. Under no circumstances may the entity disclose or <br /> dissenunate any EPDB to any other public or private entity. The obligations of the Entity <br /> to protect confidentiality which are established by this Agreernent apply to the EPDB <br /> itsetf and not to any graphic representation or products produced by the Entity while <br /> using the EPDB. Any authorized consu.ltants, contractors or agents of Entity must <br /> properly execute and file a separate EPDB Conditional Use License Agreement with <br /> Hennepin County. <br /> The Entity expressly agrees to use the County's EPDB in the ordinary course of its <br /> business and all such use shall bear a notice of copyright by Hennepin County. <br /> 4.2 Secure Handling. The Entity shall require that all EPDB be kept in a secure location at <br /> 2750 Kelley Parkway, Crystal Bay,MN 55323 and maintained in a manner so as to <br /> reasonably preclude unauthorized persons from having access thezeto. The Entity shall <br /> devote its reasonable efforts to ex�sure that all persons afforded access to EPDB protect <br /> same against unauthorized use,dissemination or disclosure. Entity agrees it wili not <br /> knowingly or neglzgently allow its employees, agents or independent contractors to copy, <br /> sell,disclose or otherwise maka the EPDB available to others. Entity agrees to <br /> immediately notify the County by telephone and in writixxg if Entity becomes aware of <br /> • any unauthorized duplication, sale or other disclosure. Entity further agrees to prevent <br /> unauthorized disclosure by taking appropriate security measures including, but not <br /> lirnited to,providing physical security for copies of the EPDB an:d taking all steps Entity <br /> takcs to protect information, data or other tangible an.d intangible property of its own that <br /> Entity regards as proprietary, confidential or nonpublic. Except for off-site backup,the <br /> Entity shall not remove or cause or allow to be removed frorn the Entity's place of <br /> business or the place of business of any EPDB or any copy thereof without the prior <br /> written consent of the County,which consent shatl not be unreasonably withheld. <br /> 4.3 Assistance of the Entity. At the request of the County and expense of the Entity,the <br /> , Entity shall use good faith and reasonable efforts to assist the County in identifying any <br /> 3 <br />