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O 4 <br /> 01 <br /> ti <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL�Gti 6 A <br /> `9kESII0 NO. 5 8 <br /> 2. The property is located in the RR-1B One Family Rural Residential Zoning <br /> District which requires a minimum lot area of 2.0 acres and a minimum lot width <br /> of 200'. <br /> 3. The Planning Commission reviewed this application at a public hearing held on <br /> June 20, 2011 and recommended approval of variances based on the following <br /> findings: <br /> a. The property contains 20,364 s.f. (0.47 acre) in area and has 135 feet in width. <br /> b. Sanitary sewer is available. <br /> c. There is no additional land available to bring the lot area into conformity. <br /> d. The Applicants have agreed to remove the paver patio encroachment into the <br /> property to the west. <br /> e. The Applicants have submitted an engineering report on the ability for the <br /> existing foundation to support the proposed additions. This report was <br /> deemed satisfactory by the Building Official. <br /> f. The Applicants have modified their proposal based on direction given by Staff <br /> and the Planning Commission to relocate the proposed shed to a conforming <br /> location on the property; to remove the existing enclosed, front entry and <br /> modify the east porch stair. <br /> g. The Applicants' request will alleviate a practical difficulty inherent to the <br /> property and not created by the Applicants. <br /> h. The Applicants' request will not alter the essential character of the <br /> neighborhood and will result in minimal negative impact on adjacent <br /> properties. <br /> i. The Applicants' request is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the <br /> ordinance. <br /> j. The Applicants have demonstrated that enforcing the provisions of the Zoning <br /> Ordinance deprive the Applicants of the reasonable use of their property. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />