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� o� <br /> 0 0 <br /> CITY of ORONO <br /> a ;. � <br /> ti <br /> ��� �G~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> `�kEsKo�`' rvo. _ 6 U � 3 <br /> 13, 2010 and in consideration of the following findings the Council finds the vacation as <br /> proposed is in keeping with the public interest: <br /> 1. Kelly and Weisberg are the owners of all property underlying the portion of the drainage <br /> a.nd utility easement proposed to be vacated. <br /> 2. The gas, electric, telephone and cable companies have consented to the vacation. <br /> 3. The City Engineer finds the vacation acceptable. <br /> 4. New drainage and utility easements in the appropriate widths and locations determined <br /> by the City Engineer will be granted to replace the easements being vacated. <br /> WHEREAS, the Orono City Council reviewed the proposed lot line <br /> rearrangement at a regular meeting held on December 13, 2010 and makes the following <br /> additional findings with regards to the proposed lot line rearrangement: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File#10-3489. <br /> 2. Following the lot line rearrangement the Kelly Property will have 2.84 dry acres and 350' <br /> in width; and the Weisberg Property will have 2.01 dry acres and 275' in width. Each <br /> property is and would remain conforming as to area and width when compared to the <br /> minimum 2.0 acre area and 200-foot width standazds of the RR-1B Rural Residential <br /> Zoning District in which both parcels are located. <br /> 3. The proposed lot line rearrangement will not result in making any of the structures on <br /> either property non-conforming. <br /> 4. The proposed lot line rearrangement will not adversely affect primary or secondary septic <br /> treatment sites on either property. <br /> 5. The lot line rearrangement proposes to place the lot line where Kelly and Weisberg had <br /> thought it to be for many years, as demonstrated by how both Properties were maintained. <br /> i <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />