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� o� <br /> 0 0 <br /> C ITY of ORONU <br /> � .- � <br /> �'�� �G~ RESOLUTION OF TH CITY COUNCIL <br /> `�k'EsKo�`' NO. � � 0 1 <br /> 1. The drainage and utility easements granted within the ptat of Leach Addition will no <br /> longer be appropriately located in conjunction with the proposed plat and development <br /> plan for this property. <br /> 2. The Developer is the owner of all property underlying the portion of the drainage and <br /> utility easements proposed to be vacated. <br /> 3. The gas, electric, telephone and cable companies have consented to the vacation. <br /> 4. The City Engineer finds the vacation acceptable. <br /> 5. The easements to be vacated and new drainage and utility easements in the widths and <br /> locations determined by the City Engineer will be granted with the final plat. <br /> WHEREAS, the Orono City Council reviewed the proposed plat at a regular <br /> meeting held on December 13, 2010 and makes the following additional findings with regards to <br /> the proposed plat: <br /> FINDINGS <br /> 1. This application was reviewed as Zoning File #10-3471. <br /> 2. The southwesterly portion of the Property is located in the LR-1 B one family lakeshore <br /> residential district, which normally requires 1.0 acre in area and 140-feet of width; and <br /> the northeasterly 250-feet of the Property is located within the B-4 office and <br /> professional district which requires 20,000 square feet in area and 100-feet in width. <br /> The Property is 3.67 acres in area, of which 2.24 acres is dry, buildable, non-wetland <br /> area. The proposed layout will combine 3 separate lots on 2.24 non-wetland acres. <br /> 3. The northeasterly, non-wetland portion of the Property is guided in the 2008-2030 Orono <br /> Community Management Plan for Mixed Use which is intended to allow for development <br /> of higher density multifamily residential uses such as senior assisted living, townhomes, <br /> condominiums or apartment buildings, in addition to the uses allowed within the B-4 or <br /> SFR Districts currently established. The mixed use designation on the Property includes <br /> all of the area zoned B-4 and a portion of the area zoned LR-1 B. <br /> 4. The portion of the Property proposed to be developed for senior assisted living pursuant <br /> to a CUP is entirely within the &4 zoning district where such use is allowed as a <br /> conditional use. <br /> 5. The Properly will be developed with City sewer and water. <br /> , <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />