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M , :11: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 6 5 53 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />E)USTLNG OTTO & UJIIE PROPERTY <br />The South one acre of the following described property in Hentiepin County, Minnesota -That part of <br />the Northwest Quarter of Section 3, Township 117 North, Range 23 Nest of the 5th Principal <br />Meridian descr!'bed as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said Northwest Quarter <br />distant 961.68 feet West from the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence Sots parallel <br />with the east line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 396.18 feet; thence West parallel with said <br />North line a distance of 247.55 fleet; thence North parallel with said East line a distance of 396.18 <br />feet to said Worth line; thence East along said North line a distance of 247.55 feet to the point of <br />beginning, <br />