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. � <br /> Y O�O. <br /> C ITY OF ORONO <br /> RESOLUTION OF T'HE CITY COUNCIL <br /> �lA �.�'~ N�. b `) � �� <br /> kESH�� <br /> approval variances as requested based on the following findings: <br /> a). The Property is a lot of record which contains 14,000 square feet in area and <br /> has 160-feet in width. <br /> b). The variance to allow construction of a new home on the Property which is <br /> substandard with respect to area and width will alleviate a practical difficulty <br /> inherent to the Property which was not created by the Applicant. <br /> c). The Applicant's proposal results in 3,770 square feet of hardcover or 26.9% <br /> where 30% is the maximum permitted by code; the proposed structural <br /> coverage is conforming at 14% or 2,022 square feet. <br /> d). The proposed front and rear setbacks for the new home are not out of character <br /> with the neighborhood; the 30-foot side yard setbacks will be met. <br /> e). The variance to construct a home on the Property which results in less than <br /> 15% structural coverage is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of <br /> the Ordinance. <br /> �. The variance to permit construction of a new residence in a residential district <br /> is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br /> g). The Applicant has provided a survey reflecting the limited building envelope on <br /> ' the Property which is substandard in lot area and lot width establishing that <br /> there are practical difficulties. <br /> h). The Applicant proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not <br /> permitted by the official controls. <br /> i). The front and rear setbacks on the subject property overlap resulting in no legal <br /> buildable area; this condition was not created by the landowner. <br /> j). The Property is shallow with respect to the RR-1 B requirements and the <br /> required setbacks result in no legal buildable area; this is relatively unique for <br /> the City however consistent with many of other properties in the immediate <br /> neighborhood. Further, not granting the variances will alter the essential <br /> character of the locality. The proposed home will be consistent with the <br /> neighborhood, and will not adversely impact adjacent properties. <br /> k). The Applicant has stated that the requested lot area, lot width and setback <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />