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�°�o <br /> CITY OF QRONO <br /> RESOLUT'ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br /> ��'lq �,C'�� N�. `� J � v <br /> kESH�� <br /> I. The project is not anticipated to result in a nuisance condition. <br /> m. The applicant will be required to keep debris off of the public roadways. The <br /> noise resulting from the trucks and equipment moving the material in and <br /> around the site should be minimized to the extent possible. The grading project <br /> will be evaluated and monitored by the City Engineer and planning staff so as <br /> to minimize nuisances during the project. <br /> n. The overall long term effect of the project is anticipated to result in minimal if <br /> any environmental impacts. <br /> o. This project is anticipated to result in no additional non-residential lighting or <br /> glare. <br /> p. The project is not anticipated to not be a detriment to the public health, public <br /> safety, or general welfare. <br /> 4. The City Council reviewed this application at a public hearing held on September <br /> 28, 2015 including the variance request and finds that in addition to the above <br /> conditional use permit �ndings the following factors support the granting of the <br /> variance: <br /> a. The variance is in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the <br /> Ordinance. The applicant proposes to construct a new residence on a <br /> residential property and will meet the shoreland and district setback <br /> requirements. <br /> b. The variance is consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Comp Plan has <br /> directives which are put in place to protect the lake, limit massing and <br /> hardcover. The proposed plan for a new residence results in neither an <br /> increase in structural coverage (over the permitted 15% level) nor hardcover <br /> above 25%. <br /> c. The Owner has established that there are practical difficulties. <br /> d. The Owner proposes to use the Property in a reasonable manner not <br /> permitted by the official controls; the Owner proposes to construct a new <br /> home on the Property in conformance with the FEMA floodplain regulations <br /> lowest floor and MCWD's lowest opening requirements. In order to do so the <br /> Owner is elevating the new home on fill material; the Property is not wide <br /> enough to facilitate the requirement that the fill material extend 15 feet from <br /> the perimeter at the lowest floor elevation. <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br />